The L word.

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Spencer walked down the steps, slowly. Wren just kissed her, and A saw. How would she tell him? She didn't want to ruin their relationship. "You look amazing." "Thank you." She kissed him. Toby drove her for an hour, and pulled up to Spencer's favorite restaurant. "Toby, you didn't need to. This place is extremely expensive." "I wanted too. I love you." "I love you too." She kissed him. "Thank you." They walked in, and sat down at the table. "How do you know that this is my favorite restaurant?" "Because I know you." Spencer leaned across the table and kissed him. They had a fun night, eating, laughing, and kissing. Toby pulled into a motel, and they were gonna sleep the night. "Thank you for this Toby. For everything." "You're welcome Spencer." They kissed over, and over. Spencer stopped, and bit her lip. "Toby?" "Yeah?" "Well, uh, um, well, would you like to?" "Sure." He kissed her, and took off his shirt. Spencer smiled, and kissed him. She puts her phone on vibrate, not wanting anything to spoil this moment. She took off her dress, and kissed Toby. Toby smiled, as they pulled back more clothing. Spencer's phone rang, which is was from the girl's. "Where is she?" "She was the one who wanted to do this." "What if she's with Toby? And he does something bad to her?" "Just like he did to Alison!" "Guys, come'on." "We should go look for her." "Let's wait. Maybe she read the time wrong." "We'll wait a half hour." But they still didn't hear from her. "What if something bad happened to her?" "And Toby caused it. Or A!" "Let's go look for her, now." During that time, Spencer was safe. And an hour later, she was asleep, safe in Toby's arms.

Okay. I was so glad by all the comments, and votes to give you guys another chapter. Thank you! Keep it up!

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