Free At Last

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Toby and Spencer had been sending each other letters for a week now. Her sister came into her room. Spencer hid her letter. "Spence. They're dropping the charges off you, and Toby." "Really?" "Yeah. We're going to the police station soon." "Okay give me a few minutes. She took a quick shower, and looked pretty. She puts her bathing suit. Spencer anxiously waited to get there. She was gonna see Toby. When she came out, she saw Toby sitting in a chair. They hugged each other. "You look beautiful." "Well, you look handsome." They kissed. "I've missed that. So much." "Me too." They kissed again. "You know I do remember in your first letter you wanted to recreate our first date, and when we were in a motel." "I did, didn't I?" "Yeah. I want to like now." They sat down, with Spencer on Toby's lap. "Why do our parents have to sign stuff?" "I don't know Spence." She layed her head in Toby's chest. "Wait. Where did Melissa, and Jenna go?" "Where did they go?" "Did they go with our parents?" "I don't know." "They couldn't have gotten far." Spencer puts her head in her hand. "Spencer, it's okay." He kissed her. While they were kissing, their families came out. They stood up. "Are you guys going to celebrate, together?" "Do you guys have anything planed?" "We could if you guys want to." "We'll celebrate as families tomorrow?" "Yeah. Go have fun." Toby grabbed Spencer's hand, and they went to the Cavanaugh's car.

Here's another chapter. Goodnight my lovelies.

Spoby Ever AfterWhere stories live. Discover now