Side Tracked

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Spencer woke up the next morning. It was Saturday. She was,gonna hang out with the girls, but,she wasn't sure if that was still going on. Since her fight with Aria, and Hanna about Toby, she hasn't heard from them since. "Are we still on for later?" Emily replied "Yeah." Aria typed "Is your awful boyfriend gonna be there?" Spencer was enraged. "He's not awful Aria! We both like each other a lot! He was there when you guys weren't. Don't say anything bad about him! And no, he won't." While she was typing all of that Hanna said "I'm not sure. Mona, and I are going to the mall. But, I'll call you later." Great. Hanna made plans. Spencer dropped her phone, and looked at Toby. He was still asleep. He looked so cute. Spencer climbed back into bed. When she woke back up, she was on Toby's lap. "Good morning." "Good morning." She kissed him. "You hungry?" "Not really." "Come'on Spence. Let's go out." "I'm not that hungry Toby." "Fine. But you promise we'll go out later?" He grabbed her hands. "Okay." She kissed him. "Wear something very pretty." "Where will we go?" "It's a surprise." "Tell me." "No." She leaned closer. "Tell me." "No." She leaned even closer. "Please?" "No." She kissed him. "How bout now?" "Sorry, but no." "Come'on Toby." "It's a surprise." She sat on his lap, and layed her head in his chest. "When will we leave?" "Six." "I'm gonna go get ready." "I'll pick you up at five." "Okay." Spencer took a shower, and got on a purple dress. While she was doing her make up, Wren came up to her. "You look beautiful." "Uh, thanks." "Why don't I see you often?" "I'm very busy, and I'm staying at my friend's house." "So, how's school?" "Pretty good. Physics is kicking my butt." "If you need help, I'll help you." "Well, um, thank you." Wren kissed her, and Spencer pulled back instantly. "We can't do this. I'm with someone. And you're with Melissa. How could you?" "Just, please don't tell." He hurried out, and Spencer sat on the bed. She got a text. Afraid, she answered it. "I'm outside." It was Toby. But then, there was the A text. "Would Toby like to know you were mushy with your sister's fiancé? -A"

Okay. I'm glad everyone likes this, but I'll like a few more votes. Thank you. :)

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