Months Later

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        Months later, they stood in Spencer's house. She told him about A a few weeks ago. Her friends didn't agree with her telling Toby, but she couldn't stand lying to him anymore. After everything that's happen, it seemed after she told toby, A just forgot about her. Emily, Hanna, and Aria kept getting texts, but Spencer's had stopped. Her friends thought Toby was A. What? They were wrong. A knew Spencer told. The only way Toby was going to "stay safe" was if Spencer helped them. To Spencer, she hated doing it to her friends, torturing them, but she also hated gettng the A texts. Toby was afraid, for Spencer's sake. And he had a right to be. Didn't it sound strange, that a person who hated her, opened their arms to her? That thought came to her a lot. But, if she wanted someone to get hurt, she'll rather it be her. Not Toby. But, the thought confused her. If she got, uh, killed, he had to live life without her. Would that hurt him more, then him getting.... She could never finish that sentence. She told herself she would never think of that. It would hurt her so emotionly if that ever happened. "You don't understand Toby! A will hurt you! I can't let that happen." "Spencer, I'm worried about you. A could hurt you!" "I know that Toby, it's just that I couldn't, can't handle you being.... hurt." "I can't handle it either." At that moment, Mona walked in. "Hey Spencer!" She said in a perky voice. "Can you please give us a second?" "Sure!" "Look, Toby, I know that you're worried about me. I'm worried about you. But, I got this." She grabbed his hand. "This will end soon. I'll make it end soon. Just please, trust me on this." Toby looked in her eyes. "Okay." He kissed her. "Call me later." "I will." Spencer watched as he walked out. Mona walked down the steps. "So let's begin."

Sorry this took so long! My dumb phone wasn't letting me post the chapter. I'll try to update as soon as I can, and thank you so much for the patience. I love you all. :)

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