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After what happened with Mona, we formed some sort of bond. Not like a love relationship bond, but just a friend bond. We could talk about the things that we hated about Ali, which I could never do with Aria, Emily, Hanna, or Toby. During the times Mona and I saw each other, we said hello, and that's when I got an invitation to her birthday party. I was glad. Happy. She wanted to invite just me and Hanna, and that would come across rude, so she invited Aria and Emily. The invitation said:

Dear Spencer,

        You are invited to Mona's Sweet 18th party! It will be appreciated if you got her a gift, preferably name designer clothes, or gift cards. You will be asked to dress fancy, as in wearing a dress and heels. There will also be a pool so you are allowed to bring a swimsuit. You may also bring another pair of clothing, i.e. sweats and shirt, or pajamas, because no one is permitted to leave unless their parents come to pick them up do to last years mishaps with drunk driving. There will be party favors which include make up, gift cards and and money. The date of the party is Saturday October 17th, and starts at precisely 5:00pm. It will be at the Grand Charlene Pool, and party room. There will also be pictures in the newspaper, and a very cool band. So show up, or be nobody.

             Xoxo -Mona

The invite to her party really made me happy. We could talk not in secret that night. We could be seen together. So after school I went to buy a present for her. I got her a new designer dress which was a very pretty blue and a gift card to Wawa which had 15 dollars on it. I bought very pretty wrapping paper. One was the beige color with black swirls on it, and a tiny bag for the gift card which was white and in pink it said Happy Birthday, in cursive. I picked out a card which said on the inside:

           To a very special friend,

           who is turning eighteen,

      may this be the best birthday,

                   you'll receive.

                  And for it is not,

                  just remember,

       that you have caring friends,

                   who love you.


                          Spencer Hastings

I know it might seem weird that I'm so going out for the party because Mona and I had the one conversation. But, if you ever had someone you could tell something that you never told someone, then you would be friends with them. That's what I feel with Mona. Anyways, after the card I went to look for a dress and bikini I ended up buying a yellow dress, and the bikini was red. I gathered everything up and carried them up to the room. When I walked in there, I saw Toby. "What's that stuff for?"

Thanks so much to the people who checked out, or followed @sleepnthegardn. I'm so glad that I have followers, and readers who would do that. So thank you. The next chapter will most likely be up tomorrow.

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