One Month into their relationship...

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Toby, and Spencer layed down cuddling with each other. "Toby, I think I should tell my friends about us. It's hard not seeing you at school." "Okay. Are we going to tell them tomorrow, together?" "I'll just do it. I'm afraid of their reactions." "Emily won't be so bad. We're like best friends now." "That's fantastic Toby!" The next day, right before homeroom, Spencer stood by her friends. "Guys. I need to tell you something." "What?" "I'm dating, someone." "That's great. Who is it?" "Don't get mad at me." "We won't Spence." "I'm dating Toby Cavanaugh." "What?" "This is the person who killed our best friend! He may be A!" "He's very sweet guys. He has dealt with some pretty big things too!" "Like what?" "He went to jail for a crime he didn't commit." "And what the hell crime was that?" "Blinding his sister." They stood in silence. "We're just warning you. He's dangerous." "Let's go guys." Aria started walking. "Em, are you coming?" "No. I'm staying with Spencer." "Okay then." As they started walking, Spencer thanked Emily. "He is kind Spence." At lunch, Spencer sat with Toby. "Hey." "Hey" They kissed. "How did it go?" "Okay. Hanna and Aria freaked, but Em's okay with it." "That's good." Emily sat with them too. "Hi Em." "Hey." They had a great conversation, and decided to meet up after school. Spencer was thrilled. Her best friend, was getting along with her boyfriend.

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