Love is Pain

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Hanna was on her bed, laying down. She got another A text. "Clue Toby in, and I'll let your mother out. xoxo -A" There was a picture of Wren and Spencer kissing. Hanna sent a text to Toby. "I hate to tell you this, but Spencer has been seeing someone while you two are dating. If you don't believe me, look at this picture of her, and Wren kissing. So sorry." Toby looked at it. "How could you?" "What?" He showed her. "Toby." "I thought we loved each other?" "I do love you Toby." "Then why are you dating him?" "I'm not. He kissed me, and I sat him straight." "I thought you were different from Alison. But I guess you aren't." "Toby, I am. Please believe me." "Leave now." "Toby, please." "Now. We're done." She got her stuff and ran all the way home. She climbed under the covers, and started crying. Her phone rang, and it was another text from A. "Poor Spencer. You better be careful where you put your loose lips. xoxo -A."  The next day, she didn't even went to school. Emily, Aria, and Hanna went over to talk to her. "Spence?" "Go away." "Spencer, what's wrong?" They sat on her bed, as she started crying. "A broke Toby, and I up." "Spence, you'll find someone else." "I can't. Toby, and I could still be together, if it wasn't for A." "Don't worry." They all hugged her, as she cried even more. "Let's go do something. Come'on." They tried everything they could do, but it was no use. "You guys can go." "Spence, you're a wreck. You need us." "I'm fine. Just go. I'll like to be alone." "Call when you need us." "I will. Thanks guys." After they left, she called Toby. "Hey Tobes. I'm sorry for everything. I don't suspect you to forgive me, but I miss you. Very much. Just call me. I love you, very much." Toby was listening to it all. He was a mess too. He really loved Spencer, but he couldn't believe she would do this.

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