First Day of School

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Spencer's alarm woke them both up for school. They got up, and changed. Downstairs, Jenna sat at the table. "Good morning." "Good morning." Toby and Spencer said together. "Wait. Spencer is here?" Whoops. "Yeah. I spent, the night." "So, you guys are close?" "Yes." She stood up, and grabbed her cane. "Jenna," She turned. "Yes?" "If you ever need someone besides Toby to walk you to class, I'll help." "Uh, thanks." Spencer smiled, and got some cereal. "You don't have to do that Spence." "I know. I just feel bad about what my friends, and I did to her." "You're sweet." He kissed her. On the way to school, they held hands. Then a thought came across her mind. What if her friends get upset about her dating Toby? She couldn't choose between any of them. "Toby?" "Yes?" "Can we keep our relationship private?" "What do you mean?" "I'm not sure how exactly to tell my friends about us. Could we hold it off?" "Only for a little." "Thanks Tobes." Spencer kissed him, and walked to the other side of the street. Just on time, A sent a text. "You got Toby to keep quiet. How are you gonna shut me up? --A" Spencer looked around for other people. But, it was only her, and Toby. During school, when Toby was walking down the hall, her friends gulped. "He's back?" "Yeah." They looked at Spencer. "How do you know?" "I saw him. On his porch." "Ugh. It was bad enough having Jenna come back, but him too?" Spencer stood there, listening to their comments about Toby. It made her hurt that her friends, hated despised, him. It turned out that Toby, and Spencer had free period together. They hung out, checking Toby's schedule. You have chem with Emily, lunch with all of us, and algebra with me. She kissed him. At lunch she sat with them, and kept staring at Toby. "He has the same lunch as us! Ugh. Spence?" "Huh?" "Pay attention. What do you think about Toby being back?" "I don't know." "You don't know?" "Yes Han." After school, she went to her house. "Hi Spencer." She just went upstairs, and attempted to do her homework. But, she couldn't help but think about Toby. She'll do it later, and texted Toby. "Is it okay if I come over?" "Yeah." Spencer grabbed her things, and started walking to Toby's.

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