We'll See

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The next day they both went to school. At lunch, Spencer went to Toby. "Is it okay if I say here?" "Sure." "I've been calling you." "I know." "Toby, I'm really sorry. If I could take it back, I would." He just sat there in silence. "When were you gonna tell me?" "I don't know. It happened the night, you took me to the restaurant. I couldn't tell you then, because you did all that for me. Please Toby. Forgive me." "We'll keep things on a friendship level. Then we'll see." "Thank you." Then Toby left, and forgot his phone. She tried to call him, but he was already long gone. Spencer opened up to the text that ruined them. Wait. That number looked familiar. She pulled out her phone. The numbers matched. She stormed over the Hanna, and the girls. "Can we talk in private?" "Uh, sure." They went outside. "How could you hate me this much?" "What?" "The text that broke Toby, and I. How could you?" "I'm sorry Spence." "Sorry won't cut it. I finally found a guy, that loved me for me, and you ruined it." "Spencer, A has something on me," "A has something on all of us! I hope you're satisfied." She walked off. How could her best friend do this to her?

Thank you guys for all the comments and votes. Keep it up. :)

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