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Toby checked into their motel, earlier. For a little they just layed on the bed together. They justed had a good time. Spencer's phone rang, and she picked it up. "Hey Han." "Hey. I heard the good news." "Yeah. I'm with Toby right now." "In a motel?" "Yes." "Wait, did I interrupt you guys?" "No. We're just laying on the bed." "Do you guys have clothes on?" "Wait. How did the conversation change from the good news, to us having sex?" "Well do you have clothes on?" "Well, not at the moment." "Oh my god. You did it already?" "Well, we haven't seen each other in a few weeks." "I'll let you guys go. You have to tell us everything." "Thanks. I will." "Have fun. Bye." "Bye." Spencer layed backed down. "I'm so glad we can see each other again." "Me too. I missed your beautiful face." "Toby. Stop." He leaned closer, and kiss her. "When are we going to go swimming?" "Soon. I promise. Let's just relax right now, together." She kissed him, and layed her head on Toby chest.

I was so tired today. Sorry for this suckish chapter. Tomorrow will defiantly be better. Thanks for your patience. Goodnight!

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