At His House

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Spencer flew out the door, and went to Toby's house. "Hey Spencer. I thought you had to meet your parents?" "Stuff happened. Can I sleep here tonight?" "Uh, sure. Do you want something to eat?" "I'm good." "Do you know how long you will be staying here?" "Just tonight." (by the way it's like eight O'clock) "Did you bring clothes?" "Yeah. Is okay for me being here? With Jenna, and your parents?" "She never comes out her room, and they won't mind." "Where's your parents?" "At the store. Oh, and the bathroom is right there." "Okay." She went in, and changed into pjs. Thank god it's Friday. She likes school, but it just reminds her of how perfect she needs to be to fit into the family. Ugh. She walked to the living room, and layed down on the couch. "You can go sleep in my bed Spencer." "Are you sure?" "Yeah." He showed her his room. "I'll be back up in a few minutes." When he came back up, Spencer was already asleep. He climbed into bed, and went to sleep. They slept on complete different sides, but ended up in the middle. Spencer woke up first. She was right next to Toby. They held hands. How can people end up like this in their sleep? It's a good thing she woke up first. But the only thing was that she sorta liked Toby. She hoped that he liked her, but no one ever has. She had boyfriends, but that was only because of Alison. Spencer wanted someone who liked her for her. Not for Alison. She rested her head close to Toby, and fell back to sleep. Next, Toby woke up. How did he get in the middle of the bed? Spencer was right next to him. He had to admit, she does look cute when she's sleeping. He got up, and made himself some cereal. When he went to the fridge there was a note. "We'll be out. Take care of Jenna. -Mom" Great. Maybe Spencer will stay. Keep him company. Spencer came out a few minutes later. "Hey." "Hi. Want some cereal?" "Uh, sure." "Are you gonna stay here today?" "I'm not sure. It depends." They ate their cereal in awkward silence. "What happened with your family yesterday?" "Nothing." "What's nothing?" "I just don't want to talk about it." "Okay. Are we still up for later?" "Yeah. Where are we going?" "It's a surprise." "After I'm done, I'm gonna go get clean clothes, and shower." "Sure." "You can wait in the living room." "Thanks." Toby went up, got dress, and Spencer, and him went to her house.

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