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~y/n pov~

I was about to get in the shower when my phone ring. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey y/n" it was max "Hey Baby" I said. "Wanna come over maybe you could stay the night." "Sure that would be great" I said cheerfully. "Alright see you in a little bit" Max said. "Bye". I said. I hopped into the shower did my makeup and curled my hair. I stepped outside and got in my car.

*time skip*

I pulled up in the parking lot of Max's apartment. I sat in my car for a second to make sure I didn't have lipstick on my teeth. I got out of the car and started walking towards his building I looked both ways and crossed. I was in the middle of the street when I was struck by a car that seemed to come out of no where. When it hot me it didn't even stop to make sure I was ok. It just kept driving. "MAX!" I shouted. I winced in pain, he came out on his balcony and looked down. "OH SHIT!" he said. He dashed inside and grabbed his phone when he came out he was calling 9-1-1. "Babe what happened?!" He asked frantic. "A car came out off no where it hit me and drove off!" I said crying now. "DROVE OFF?!" he asked furiously. "911 what's your emergency?" "Yes sir we have a hit n' run at 251 rundown apartments." "OK is the victom breathing fine." "Yes they hit her leg pretty bad." "Ok we are sending someone your way" "thank you" ok the ambulance is on the way.

*time skip*

I woke up in the hospital with flowers and balloons next to me. I looked at my leg, it had what looked like 12 stitches. I saw a few bruised areas from where they tried to put the IV. I turned my head to the left and read the white board, call nurse for assistance :), it also said "I am in cafeteria be back in 3 minutes love max" So I waited. 30 seconds later max came in "y/n your awake" He said pressing the call nurse button. "How long was I out?" I asked. "Only 2 maybe 3 hours. The doctors only put you to sleep while they put stitches in. They said you'll be on crutches for a few weeks" he said informigly "Max come here," I said raspy. "Y-yes" he said nervously. I kissed him on the cheek. The nurse walked in directly after with a blue clipboard. "So your awake huh?" She said with a smile. " I guess I am" I said "Well the doctar will be in in a moments he'll want to make sure everything is ok before you leave. " she informed me. "Ok as long as I get to go home afterwards."

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