The Panel

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"5 minutes until we start" someone back stage said. Bf/n and I were going out first and are calling everyone's names...we are so nervous. 3...2...1 Head for the stage ladies. I hear as we walk out to center stage with colorful lights flashing and our channel intro song playing (a/n you and your besties jam... I would put me and yui Rio Chan's but...) "Hey guys!" Everybody cheers and screams and hoots and hollars. "I think I'm at pax today. " the crowd goes wild as bf/n jumps from behind me. "PAX!" She shouts. "We have frands over dere!" Bf/n says. "Skydoesminecraft, skydoesthings, and skyvsgaming!" I say as Adam comes on stage smiling and waving. The screams histaricly. "House_Owner aka Ross" bf/n says. The crowd cooed. He grabbed bf/ns hand. "Mithzan or Max!" I say blushing. The crowd cooed again as max grabs my hand as well. "ThatGuyBarney or BERNEY!" Shouts bf/n. The crowd went crazy. "And least but not last..." I say getting the crowd tensed up. "YOUTUBE SENSATION REDVACKER OR MY IDIOT BROTHER RED!" I say gently slap his face he does the same. Everybody cheers as we sit down.


"alright guys we are going to answer questions from twitter that guys asked us! We will answer in the order you see us. " Adam explains.

(A/n gonna be like a play so... y is you,r is red, a is Adam, n is Ross cuz he a narwhal, b for best friend,d for barney cuz dirts, and m for max also q is question order: y/n Max bf/n Ross Red Adam Barney)

Q: how long have y/n and max been together.

Y: about a year and 6 months. (While grinning)

M: 1 year 6 months 2 days 14 hours 5 minutes and 37 seconds, To be exact (Adds to)

*crowd laughs*

Q: do you have any tacks pax max? So I can hang them on my racks max?

Y: (sees anger on maxs face.)

M: You're just fucking pissing me off

*crowd laugh*

M: Its not fucking funny

Q: what is the most embarrassing that has happened to you?

B: Adam was doing a skit and I tripped into the frame and I wasn't supposed to be in the video. The edittsd it out but it ended up in the bloopers.

*crowd laughs one shouts I REMEBER THAT!*

Q: Ross, what made you fall in love with bf/n

N: uh...

B: I paid duh...I'm just kidding

*crowd laughs*

N: Everything...her smile,her eyes, her care for her best friend. There is a lot on the list.

*crowd cooes as Ross kisses bf/n on the cheek...she blushes*

Q: What was it like living with someone so hot?

R: Hey man, I was just so cool she wanted to put up up with me and so I never payed attention when I was little.

Y: Uh Shut the Fuck up


A: I am still friends with ty but skylox was never a thing. SO STAHP WRITING THE FANFICS.

Q: who is your favorite person in the office.

D: Babys Masons because he's gonna dress likes dirt's.

*time skip to end brought you by 👉☺👈*

"Alright guys this has been pax with me, y/n, max, bf/n, Ross, Red, and Barney..." Adam says. "AND WE WILL SEE YOU LATER RECRUITS BYEEEEE" we all shout *skyvsgaming outro plays as we walk off stage. *

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