I Do

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Alesa finished up my makeup so that Shelby could do my hair. When Shelby was done bf/n helped me put my dress on. I glanced into the mirror, the girl in the mirror I couldn't believe that she was me. I couldn't believe today I would marry the man I love. I teared up just thinking about it. "Don't cry you will mess up your makeup, and if you do cry I will cry and mess up my makeup." Bf/n said with tears in her eyes. We giggled and walked into the room where everyone was getting ready. They all turned to look at me. They all stopped what they stopped what they were doing and hugged me. I hugged them all back. I put my shoes on and got ready to go outside. I heard someone come in the room I turn and see red walking towards me. I turn around completely so I can see his face. "Wow!" He said. "What?" I say giggling. "Max is going to fall in love with you all over again. You look so beautiful." He said tearing up. I hugged him. He was the best brother I could ever ask for. "Go get in you spot so you arent late." I say. He kissed me on the cheek and walked out. I hear the music start and I get behind everyone and stood next to Jordan. Shelby and Tim walk first, then Jess and Barney, then Adam and Alesa, then Bf/n and Ross who were pulling Mason and Julia in a wagon, Then it was Red and I's turn. I took a deep breath and took one step forward. My shoe stepped into the grass and then my other. Everyone stood up and looked at me. I looked ahead at max who was smiling like he never had before. Red finally stopped and walked to his spot. I handed Bf/n my bouquet and held Max's hands. I looked into his brown eyes, they sparkled more than they ever did. His eyes went from my eyes to to my feet then back up again. "Wow!" He whispered quietly. I smiled and looked down. I looked back up. "You look stunning." He said happily. "Thanks you do too." I say. I see tears form in his eyes. (Stuff priest says) "I do!" I say almost crying tears of joy. (Stuff priest says) "I do!" Max says. "You may now kiss the bride!" The preacher says. Max grabbed my waist pulled me forward and kissed me. I felt like fireworks were going off. I turned my head and saw actual fireworks. I put my hands over my mouth while everyone ohhed and awed. I kissed max once more. Bf/n handed me my bouquet and then max picked me up and took me to the reception room and everyone followed.

Mithzan X Reader [Completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt