About Last Night

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Max and I walked into our room we had long day ahead of us. We had get up early, get to the airport, excetera excetera. I needed to talk him though... "Max?" I said. "Yeah? What is it y/n" he replied. "Look about last night..." I started. "Oh uh..." He said. "Max it was great but what lead you to do that?" I asked. "I-i couldn't help it...I love so much...and I think it is cute when your mad... Honestly I'm sorry I didn't know you felt that way..." He says. "Max," I say scooting next to him on the bed. "I loved every minute of it...its just that...that was my first time..." I say. "Oh!" He said. "Are we good?" I ask "yeah." He says. We slowly each leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on each other lips. I got up. I knocked on the door that connects Ross and bf/n. Bf/n opened the door "WAT?" "I need to talk to you in the lobby." I say whispering. "What's wrong?" She whispers. "I'll tell you when we start walking down there. " I say whispering again. She nodded and closed the door. I closed our door too. "I'll be back Max." I say. "Don't have too many drinks at the bar. " he says teasing. "I'm not even old enough. " I say laughing. I walk out the door with the other key and my phone. Bf/n and I started to walk. "So what's up?" She asks. "Just, something happened last night and I wanted to tell you. " I say. "Ok...you can tell me any thing. " she replys. I hesitate. "Last night after roadhouse, max and I..." I say "oh...ok then..." She says. "It was my first time. " I say. "Are you..." She asked. "I don't know..." I reply. "Do you want me to drive you to walmart* and get a test thingy..." She says. "Sure." I say. "Ok. " she says. We walk to the parking lot and get in the rental car. We drive on silence until we get to the store. We walk straight to the section where the tests were. I was shaking as I grabbed the boxes. Bf/n paid for them. We went into to the bathroom and I took the first test. After a couple minutes I came out of the stall. I walk over to bf/n. "Its...

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