Chapter Three - You Can Fly!

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"Just take a step, I'm 100% confident that you can levitate."

"What the hell, Eve! I am not jumping off a cliff just to test out if I can fly." I looked over at the hundred foot drop, shuddering at the pile of rubble and foliage which looked fairly perilous to me.

"You're not jumping off a cliff because you'll levitate."

"If you're wrong, I swear to God I'll come to Heaven and kill you again."

"I'll take the risk," Eve said, shrugging off my comment.

"This is one small step for Emily but one giant step for Emily-kind." I clicked my neck from left to right, stretching my arms and fingers out in front of me, preparing myself for what could be my possible death.

"Neil Armstrong says to shut the hell up and stop using his quote."

"Oh my God, you met Neil Armstrong and didn't tell me?"

"I've met a lot of people who I haven't told you about, dead or alive."

"I-I think I'm ready."

"Took you long enough." Eve huffed.

I slowed down my breathing and closed my eyes, trying to calm my fear of heights and of dying. I focused my thoughts on levitating myself up.

"Think of the happiest things; it's the same as having wings!" Just as I nervously started to sing Peter Pan, I felt my feet lift from the ground.

"Holy Jesus, you can fly." I peeked my eyes open, squinting slightly from the sun setting behind me. I was above the tree tops that surrounded the edge of the city.

"Eve, what's this purple stuff?"

"A science guy says that it's the energy from your powers holding you up. It looks like you're telekinetic, sis."

"I feel like I shouldn't be doing this."

"You have to test out what you can do sometime."

"I know, but I'm in some hiking park, what if someone sees a random girl floating around?"

"I'll warn you if anyone's coming, just keep going."

"Fine, fine. This isn't easy to control, y'know."

"Yeah, yeah. Maybe try moving instead of just levitating a little bit?"

"That's easier said than done, Eve. I mean have you seen how high I am?"

"Get a grip, Em. Just go for it, you can stop yourself if it goes a bit wrong. Believe in yourself for once."

"Fine, I mean, what's the worst that'll happen?"

"You'd certainly be joining me a bit sooner." She said, laughing as I shook my head and tried to concentrate.

I ignored her for a while, trying to focus on moving and flying around. I was aware that I probably wouldn't get it the first time since these things probably took a lot of practice. I suddenly jolted forward in my attempt to fly forward smoothly, nearly crashing into a tree. I slowly moved forwards more slowing and more in control towards the lowest point of the hiking path.

After a while of flying around and near misses of crashing into trees, I landed pretty well at the beginning of the path. The mysterious purple energy disintegrated in the wind as I decided to call practising my powers a day by continuing my run.

As I near the local grocery store, I remembered that I was meant to get tonight's dinner. Tonight was my final night at the West's House since I had made a miraculously fast recovery. Walking into the store, I slung a basket onto my arm and picked up various ingredients to cook.

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