Chapter Thirty-Nine - Burn, Baby, Burn

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I felt as if I hadn't seen Iris in forever. I suppose it was her who started our entire friendship, considering she was the one who visited me when I comatose. Ever since she had stopped working at Jitters and had moved in with Eddie, it was really hard to bump into her or have any time since I visited my mother at least once a day now after going to Brendan's for training.

Additionally, I had been scouting for jobs other than my one at S.T.A.R Labs since Wells was a complete dickhead. A few days ago, I sent Christina McGee of Mercury Labs an email, just to ask her for coffee and a catch up as I hadn't seen her since before my coma. We ended up setting up a meeting for a few weeks time about the possibility of me working for her again.

As of about five minutes ago, I had been sat in Jitters alone for a further half an hour since Iris had failed to show up. I had gone through two hot chocolates and a breakfast pastry while waiting for her to arrive. I had decided that I was going to wait for another fifteen minutes before giving up and heading over to James's architect office as my apartment was pretty much built now. I had been spending my time waiting for Iris shopping online for furniture along with Eve and an army of Heaven's finest fashionistas to make sure that my apartment was perfect.

Checking my watch, I made the decision to skip waiting for Iris as I went and bought Barry a coffee and some lunch in the hope that he would actually be in his lab for once. The drive to his lab was fairly fast since it wasn't that far away, meaning that my chances of Barry being at the CCPD were much higher.

Walking into the precinct, I smiled to one of the officers on duty as I trundled up the stairs to Barry's lab, to find him and Joe in a fairly serious conversation. I cleared my throat as I continued walking into the lab, getting a slightly better look at the board that Barry and Joe were conversing over. At the sound of my approach, Barry quickly stumbled over to the board and pulled the screen down, making their subject of conversation even more suspicious as Joe turned around in his chair to look at the unimpressed expression on my face.

"Well, that's not suspicious at all," I said, raising an eyebrow as I handed Barry his coffee, which I had managed to keep warm with a little of my energy.

"It's nothing for you to worry about," Barry muttered folding his arms as he took a sip of his coffee and seemed surprised it was still warm.

"Aw, c'mon, Bar. She knows what we found at your old house," Joe coaxed, trying to persuade Barry to let me in on their secret.

"Or I could just do this," I said, reaching my arm behind Barry as if I was going to hug him, but instead I pulled up the screen covering the board beneath it as I saw the only thing I needed to confirm my suspicions. "What's Wells got to do with anything?" I frowned, placing my hands on my hips as Barry's complexion changed to red.

"See, Joe? This is why we don't need any more people finding out about this!" Barry exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

"About what, Barry?" I questioned, growing increasingly concerned that Eobard will think that it was my doing that Barry is suspicious of him. As of this moment, my mother was more at risk than ever before.

"We think Wells was somehow involved in Barry's mother's murder," Joe explained as I took a large gulp to try and rid the lump rising in my throat.

"Oh, I'm meant to be meeting James, I need to go," I groaned, checking my phone as an event reminder popped up on my screen. "We'll talk about this later?" I shouted from the doorway as I ran down the stairs.

I decided to leave my car in the precinct car park since James's office wasn't too far of a walk and I needed the extra time to think about what the hell I was going to do with Barry. The walk to the office was fairly pleasant as I rounded the corner and started to walk towards a park. Children were happily playing as their parents watched on, a few mothers grouping together and chatting about a PTA meeting.

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