Chapter Nineteen - Busted.

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Christmas and New Year had been and gone, and everybody had gone back to their usual lives and jobs. Yes, I know what you're thinking — did Barry and I share our first kiss on New Years? Yes, why yes we did.

Today was like any other normal, non-metahuman involved day at S.T.A.R Labs where Cisco was playing around with making Barry's suit faster and finding new ways to track metahumans. Caitlin was helping me with my research, that was until Dr. Wells had summoned me to his office.

Honestly, I felt like I was about to walk into the stern principal's office which was dark and gloomy with no personal touches. He could really use an Einstein bobblehead.

"Ah, Doctor Stone, please come in and close the door if you would," Dr. Wells instructed from behind his desk. I hesitantly closed the door and walked closer the centre of the room.

"Is there something I can help you with, Dr. Wells?" I asked, my voice trying not to tremble as my mind began to pick at his like I was trying to break down his firewall and access his files.

"Do you recall our conversation when you first arrived?" He asked, looking up at me from his wheelchair.

"About how you were suspicious of me?" I remembered, placing my hands on my hips.

"Well, I have come to a conclusion."

"And that is?"

"That you haven't been entirely truthful to us," he insinuated. 

"In what sense?" I asked, my voice harsh as my mind had come to its conclusion about who Wells was.

"I don't know, maybe the fact that you're Miss Cosmic?" I scowled at him as I clenched my jaw before looking away, towards to floor.

"Well, it's not like there's a metahuman disclosure section on my resume," I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"You're not going to tell Barry or anyone on the team your identity," Wells replied, his tone demanding and threatening.

"And why not?" I hotly responded, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Because it will crush him. He needs to get stronger, to get faster if he's ever to catch the Man in Yellow. Cisco's focus will go completely out of the window once he realises that his best friend is his heroine."

"And how do you know this Wells? How do you happen to know so much about everything, even though it hasn't happened yet? Cisco hasn't completed the sums to work out how fast the Man in Yellow can run, so how do you know that Barry has to get faster? Why do you need him to get faster?" I asked on an angry ramble, giving him a Stone cold glare.

"So that I can get home!" He yelled, slamming his fists on the desk. The lapse in his composure created a gap in what seemed like a mental block, allowing my mind to rake through is memories and thoughts.

"And when exactly is home? I know who you are, you can't hide it anymore, Thawne," I shouted, throwing my hands out into the air.

"You're playing a dangerous game, Emily," Wells replied in a low, threatening voice.

"You've known that I was Miss Cosmic even before the particle accelerator was blown up," I retorted, pointing to him.

"I've underestimated how smart you are. And here I was thinking you were just a wannabe performing monkey," he probed.

"So, what are you going to do now that I know who you are? You can't lock me away since the team will find out." I was trying to keep a lid on my anger, knowing it could be the end all if it spilt out.

"My offer to you is simple. I will not tell them and make them hate you in exchange for you not telling them who I am."

"And what if they find out?"

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