Chapter 2 Free for All

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This case is a very strange one indeed. It was around midnight when me and Jane were working on an investigation. We were in the middle of nowhere. It was pitch black. We were looking for a white dog named Fifi. That ran away this past Friday. We ended up in a parking lot for a church. That was surrounded by farm fields. I got out of my car followed by Jane. We both shouted "Fifi! Where are you?" We walked up to the church doors. To see if anyone was there. The doors were locked but there was a kissy mark on the door. I didn't think much of it. I thought it would be fun to attempt to mimic it. I asked Jane "May I borrow a tube of lipstick?" She gave me an odd look and asked "Why?" I smiled and said "Well why not?" I brought the tube of red rouge to my lips. I applied a good amount of it. I left a kissy mark at the top of the door. The funny thing is... It looked nothing like the other one. I tried again and asked "Jane... Why doesn't my pucker look like that?" She said "It looks as though the person had their mouth wide open...." I asked "Who just kisses like that?" I tried with my mouth open and it still looked wrong. Also my nose and my chin left a mark. I turned to Jane and said "This person must have a small chin and nose. Or at least not have one at all!" She gave me a weird look and said "Maybe they were African American... They have nice sized lips!"(No offense!) I tilted my head and went up to the lips. Jane quickly pulled me back and asked "What are you doing?!?" I fell on my back and said "Well I was going to get a closer look!" I dusted my outfit off and walked around the church. I looked in the window and said "I found the women's restroom!" Then I felt Jane punch me in the arm and say "Stop being a creep Sebastian Alexander the 1st!" I blushed and said "Oh... Yeah! Sorry I got off track. Lets find Fifi!" I walked down the road and found a small dog. That fit Fifi's description to a T. I smiled and said "Come here Fifi!" The dog approached me cautiously. Once it got close she bit me and I said "Ouch! Jane catch her but be careful!" The dog ran to Jane and jumped in her arms. I mumbled "What a sexist dog!" I said "Jane drive Fifi to her owners!" She asked "What are you doing?" I smirked and said "I will find the culprit!" With that Jane left me and I began my investigation. I measured the lips. They were about 2 inches all together. The mouth was open. It seems they used cheap chap stick. I got tape to copy the print onto. I heard someone/something behind me. I turned sharply on my heels. An seen a beautiful African girl. She was wearing a big poofy  jacket and Nikes. She had on black rouge. She pushed me against the door. I said "Ummm. Hello I'm Sebastian Alexander of The Ne-!" She cut off my sentence pressing her lips to mine. I was struggling. Soon I heard a car pull up and Jane shouted "What on Earth is going on here?" I shrugged and said "I think I found the culprit!" The woman asked "Am I going to jail for leaving a kiss mark on the door?" I smiled and said "No it was just a fun little investigation! One the side of our real investigation! Right Jane?" Jane nodded and said "Yeah... Sebastian shouldn't we be leaving now?" I smiled at the woman I just met and said "I'm not the type to kiss and leave but... Goodbye miss!" With that 2 cases got closed in one night and our very first investigation!     

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