Chapter 4 Meow

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I woke up and prepared some nice hot coffee. It's going to be Jane's 17th birthday pretty soon and I still don't have a present. I was researching our new case. We are looking for someones grey tabby cat named Storm. I leaned back in my chair. Jane called me and said "Sebastian are you awake?" I said "Yes and what is it your royal highness?" She got a bit grumpy when I said that. She continued "Well my parents would like to meet you later. So after we wrap this case up can you come over for dinner?" I said "Sure I don't see why not!" She huffed and said "Well I will see you soon Sebastian." I smiled and said "Oh don't worry I can pick you up now! My car got fixed." I was driving to her house but stopped immediately. I seen the cat. I said "Come here Storm!" The cat jumped out of the tree into my arms. I smiled and said "Aren't you a handsome devil!" I put Storm in the passenger seat. I called Jane and said "Case solved!" She asked "Wait... You solved it without me?" I said "Yeah... Sorry I will be over after I return Storm." I drove Storms to his house and A woman answered the door. She said "Ann! A man is here! Looks like he found your cat." A small girl ran up to me and I crouched down and said "Here's Storm!" She smiled and said "Thanks Mister investigator!" I smiled and said "It was no problem!" I smiled and said "Well I better wash up before I see Jane." I went home and took a quick shower. I pulled on my fancy clothes. I pulled on my black trench coat and pulled my shoes on. Soon I was dressed to impress. I arrived Jane's mansion and knocked on the door. Her mother answered. She gave me a disgusted look and said "Oh... Sebastian come in." I smiled and was about to step on the floor. She said "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" I jumped back almost falling out of the door. She said "Take your shoes off!" I said "Oh sorry I." She yelled "Jane! Get downstairs."   Then I seen Jane followed by 2 maids. Who were pulling at her hair and clothes. I laughed and said "You are like a princess!" I collapsed on the floor laughing. Then Jane gave me the death stare. Her dad walked downstairs and said "Oh Hello you must be Sebastian!" He walked down the stairs and said "I hope my wife hasn't been giving you a rough time!" I shrugged and said "Nah! She's fine." He asked "Where are your parents Buddy?" I said "I don't have any parents." He said "Oh... Well let's get to the dining room. Dinner is probably waiting!" I smiled and said "Sweet! I'm hungry." We walked into the dining room. There was a huge table with lots of food on it. I said "Oh my this looks good." I sat at the table and looked at all of the food. Once I got a closer look at the food I almost vomited. I seen snails, squid, and caviar. I shot up and said "I think I might! May I be excused?" Her dad said "Sure buddy!" He showed me to the bathroom. I walked in there and locked the door. I fell and puked. I then I remembered how Jane was scarfing it down. I said "That was so revolting." I stood up and looked in the mirror. I washed my face and used a bit of mouth wash. I walked back into the dining room. Her mom shot me a disgusted glare and I took my seat again. I looked at the food and pulled a box of strawberry pocky out of my pocket. Jane looked at me weird and her mom huffed angrily. Her dad looked back at her mom. I smiled and said "I'm Sebastian Alexander the 1st. An your daughter is a wonderful side kick... but I do believe I shall be leaving! It was nice meeting all of you. Now bye!" I gather my belongings and went out to my car. Before I could leave Jane ran outside. She said "I'm sorry about this it was bad!" I smiled and said "Nah don't worry bout it well see you soon!" An with that another case was closed. Making a third case closed.     

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