Chapter 8 The Raven

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I awoke in the morning to no noises. No hot coffee waiting for me or anything. I walked past the den. Where Joan used to stay. I had the door shut and locked to the den. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. It's been about 3 days since she left. Iv'e been contemplating life and death. I turned my phone off or rather let it die. I looked in the mirror when I heard knocking on my front door. It was Jane she said "For Christs sake Sebastian! You need to stop moping about and come over to my house so you can relax! Out of your house after all we have so solve some cases!" I pushed her away and said "I can't go out today... Jane just go... Take Kyle to solve cases with you!" She slapped me and said "No your coming with me! Weather you look dead or not!" She drug me out of my house and threw me in the back of their car. Her driver gave me a weird look and continued driving to their estate. There were butlers waiting for me. They drug me to the bathroom and tore off my clothes. Then threw me into a bubble bath. Blushing maids dashed in with towels and a change of clothes. They washed my hair and body. Then I shouted "Why are people torturing me?!?! I just want to die!" They ignored me and pulled on some clothes. They dressed me up in an expensive looking tuxedo. My hair was brushed back and gelled. Jane's mom said "You actually look like a gentleman for once!" I didn't want to put up with her crap. So I said "Look lady! I'm not asking for your pity but my Secretary just died and I had feelings for her! So do you really think I care about how I look?!?!" She huffed and left me. I quickly dashed out of their house. Without Jane knowing. I ran to the cemetery and knelled by Joan's headstone. I said "Why?" I pulled a red rose out of my pocket. That I picked on my way there. It began to rain. I said "Here Joan... I know your not here but I want you to know; I love you!" I sat it on her grave and a Raven swooped down. I picked up the rose and flew away. I glared at it and said "Oh Joan! I'm sorry I can't do anything right without you!" I sneezed and kissed her headstone. I started to walk home and Jane pulled up and glared at me. She said "Come in! We are solving a case about someone's missing pet Raven... That is ironically a raven." The air caught in my throat. She asked "What's wrong? It looks like you've just seen a ghost!" I said "A raven picked up the rose I put down for Joan!" I said "I want to go home real quick!" She looked at me odd and I have no clue why I said that. We went to my house and I ran to the den quickly unlocking the door. There we found... The same raven with the same rose. I walked over to the raven and it landed on my arm. I felt a weird connection. Me and Jane went to return the Raven to it's owner. What was strange was the house looked abandoned. I knocked on the door an a wo-?! The name slipped out of my mouth. "Joan?" She looked exactly like Joan! She smiled oddly and said "How did you know my name?" I said "J-Just a scary guess I assume." The raven landed on her arm and she said "That's strange Raven only sits on people she knows well..." She looked at me and said "Do you and your partner want to come in for tea?" I declined politely and handed her my card. It also said 'In need of secretary.' Where Joan's name used to be. Another case solved? Or not!

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