Chapter 21 Monochrome of Rainbows

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([25 days... Stuck with Kyle])
I've been sleep deprived and sexually abused. He never let me shower yet and my hips hurt. I shake on the semen stained blankets. I hold my cold and nude body. Kyle walked in and said "You don't look like a gentleman anymore! You look disgusting." He spat on me and laughed. He ran his finger on my ribs. I felt his tongue run across the nape of my neck. I looked over and seen a bath tub full of nice soapy warm water. Kyle said "You want to go in there?" I nodded and he said "Go ahead." I timidly walked over to the tub. Kyle walked over and began washing my back. He frowned like he used to do... When we could talk as friends. When he was a mortuary. He said "You really need to eat better." I looked into the now filthy water and nodded. He sighed and said "Look at me." I slowly turn to him. He runs his hand down my neck. I feel tears falling again. He said "Sebastian. Why are you sad?" I said "I want to be with Joanna and Jane!" He sighed and said "No you don't." He leaned to my neck and I felt his hot breath. Then a stinging sensation was in my neck. I tried to hold back but I shook and more tears began to fall. He pulled away and looked at my face. He smirked and began to wash my hair. Which has gotten rather long. Kyle said "You know we are getting married." My attention got pulled to a long white dress and veil. He said "It's yours! The sizes right. You even have boobs!" Lot's of women rushed in and began to dry me off. They pulled on a corset and revealing undergarments. Then they slid the dress on me and styled my hair. Also the maids applied pounds of makeup on me. At this point Kyle was gone and the maids finished dressing me. Once they left I look at myself in a mirror. I... Look beautiful. I froze and looked at the fake boobs in my dress. I sighed and said "This is a joke... I'm a fucking joke!" Kyle walked in and wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed my neck and said "You look beautiful! Just like a young dove." I looked at the floor and said "Kyle..." He looked at me and said "What is it sweetheart?" I asked "Why must you be-?!" He said "Lift up your dress!" I obey and he unzipped his dress pants and said "Suck it!" I slowly walked towards him. I took him in my mouth and he snapped a picture. He pulled me up by my hair and sat down. He leaned back and shoved himself up my ass. I moaned and clawed at his tux. I began to bounce up and down. He moaned and took another picture. Once my hips began to hurt again. I leaned back and he thrust hard into me. Then I heard a gun shot and Kyle fell on top of me. He was bleeding. Then I heard "Jane!" I said hoarsely. She asked "Sebastian?!?!" Kyle pulled out of me and said "I'm not dead yet!" Then he got shot again. I looked up and seen Joanna. I shakily sat up and began to cry. Joanna walked over to my side and said "S-Sebastian... Has he been feeding you? You look more fragile then you did before!" Tears were welling up in her eyes. Jane helped me up and said "The cops are on their way... We should probably leave." Jane gave me her shoulder as I limped to the car. Jane took the driver seat. Then Joanna went in the back with me. She said "You look adorable..." I still don't know what to say to her. So I avert my gaze out the window. Jane breaks the silence and says "So is your wedding still on?" Joanna looks at me with concern. I let out a small sigh and say "Of course it is!" Joanna smiled a bit and played with the curls that are in my hair. I said "I need to cut my hair..." Joanna sighed and looked out her window. The rest of the way home was silent. Jane dropped me and Joanna off at home. I took off my heels and dress. Revealing my undergarments making Joanna blush. I walked upstairs to the bathroom and grabbed some scissors. I began chopping off big parts of my hair. I cut it how I liked it and shaved it a tad bit. Joanna walked in and asked "Are we gonna talk about this or what?" I shot her a cold stare and said "There is nothing to talk about... Sweetie." She was about to walk away until I grabbed her shoulder. I turned her around and gave her a kiss. I ran my hands up her shirt and gropped her boobs. She let out a small giggle and pushed me onto the couch. She smiled and began working at my belt... Until my phone began to scream. I reached around for it and answered only to be met by the sound of heavy breathing. I just let it go and hung up. Then Joanna reached her hand up my shirt and began to pull it off. I grabbed her hands and sighed. I smiled and said "I'm going to bed Joanna!"

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