Chapter 13 Unanswered Questions

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I felt faint and fell to the cold floor. What does that flower symbolize? Every time I see it or a blue flower in general... I faint! I began thinking about Joan. Wasn't it her. Her favorite color is blue or may I say was blue. I soon awoke from my fainting spell. I seen Joanna standing above me... Before I could object she poured a pail of cold water on me. I shot up and exclaimed "What in the world was that about?!?" she pulled me to my feet and said "You outta see a doctor! You've been fainting a lot. As of now go get rest! I will call Jane and Kyle over!" She left when the words fell from my mouth. "Kyle studies dead bodies... How good of a doctor is he?" I sat on my bed and about a half an hour later... Jane and Kyle came waltzing through my front door. I sighed and said "Really Guys! I'm perfectly fine!" Kyle began to check my heart rate and blood pressure. He smiled and said "Well we know he's not dead! He's got vitals!" I slapped him and said "Of course I have vitals you nitwit!" He rubbed his head and Jane said "He sounds a bit grumpy! Maybe he needs a nap." I glared at her and said "I'm going for a walk! I have something on my mind I need to research." I walked to our agency and unlocked the doors; Walking to my office. I opened the door and found a vase of dark blue flowers. I said "Joan... I know I shouldn't do this!" I pulled out an Ouija Board and moved my keyboard. I let out a hesitant sigh and started "Hello Joan are you here?" Nothing happen. I thought 'I knew this wasn't gonna work!' I stood up and looked in the mirror. I began to fix my hair and adjust my hair. I heard movement behind me. I turned to see the pointer was facing 'yes'. I said "No that couldn't just happen... Perhaps I left it like that?" It slowly turned to point to 'no'. I said "Okay... I' m gonna go!" The pointer reluctantly pointed at 'goodbye'. Before it did that though it spelled out... 'Love you...' I froze as I began to remember. -Joan's Death- She was in my arms and she began to say "Sebastian I-I..." Then she died. I began to say the sentence... "Sebastian! I-I love you..." I said "Oh my... It fits she was-. She didn-. Get to finish!" I fell to the floor now she has left me forever. To never return! I clutched the Ouija board to my chest and began to cry. I looked at the flowers on my desk. I had a mini fridge/freezer. I took a flower and put it into the freezer. To preserve her memory and her life... Jane walked in and asked "What are you doing?" I wiped away my tears and said "It's nothing!" Jane said "Okay... Let's go!" We walked out of the building and ended up going to our homes. I walked into my house and got greeted by Joanna. Who looked a bit distraught. I sat on my bar stool and asked "Are you okay?" She sighed and said "Well you were gone all day and I was a bit worried!" I said "Don't worry about me! How many times do I have to tell you that?" I stood up and grabbed a drink. I walked into my room and began filing papers. When I heard an odd noise. I sharply turned to see a tall dark shadow in the corner. I froze and pulled out iron. The shadow swayed around my room and let out a mumble. I charged at it. Shoving the iron knife into the spirit. It collapsed and I seen my Joan. I said "I-I can't believe that I have killed you. As a spirit. Joan please forgive me for being late and never there!" I held the knife up and Joanna dashed a cross the room and snatched the knife out of my grasp. I sighed and said "I'm so sorry... Please forgive me. Joan." 

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