Chapter 12 Morning Glory

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I awoke the next morning to an odd feeling of anguish. Looking out my front window I seen the sun rising over a pink horizon. I also seen out of the corner of my eye. A morning glory hanging out on my window frame. It was a beautiful blue color of a sapphire. Then Joanna walked into my room and said "Sebastian! We have a case!!!" I felt sick after seeing the flower. Joanna walked to my bedside and asked "Sebastian are you okay?" I pulled on her arm tugging her in the bed on top of me. She blushed and said "Sebastian!"I put her on her side and wrapped my arms around her waist. I seen her blush and I said "I want to stay like this a bit... I'm tired!" She blushed and I soon fell asleep with Joanna in my arms. I ended up sleeping for 2 hours and once I awoke Joanna was asleep. I sat up and kissed her lips. Surprisingly she didn't wake up. I cracked my back and walked into the den. I seen a few papers with scribbles on them.  I tidied up the room and left. I sighed and rang for Jane. She answered "Hello! What's up now? Did you break something?" I let out a laugh and said "No I didn't break anything... There is a new case we have... A murder!" She said "Ok I find out a bit about it... So Let's get going!" I drove to her house and picked her up. I sighed and said "Well let's go to the crime scene!" She said "Yeah..." After that the whole ride was silent. Once we got to the apartment. She gasped "Sebastian... I know this woman." I looked over at her and said "Really now? I will need to interrogate you!" She said "Why would I kill my best friend!" She slapped me and said "I will wait outside. I don't want to see this..." I walked into the victims house. I walked up the spiral staircase. To see a decaying corpse of a young girl. I covered my face with a napkin. I looked around the room to find evidence. I could only find a long shard of glass. Protruding out of the victims chest. The her rotting face was full of sadness. I pulled the glass out of her chest. I put it in an evidence bag and left. Jane asked "How was she?" I let out a sigh and said "She was decomposing and In a terrible state!" Jane began to cry as she said "You know Sebastian... She was my... girlfriend!" My mouth fell open. I said "What... Oh my; I'm so sorry Jane! Go home and I wil-!" She said "No I want to help solve this case for her!" I said "Ok but if it hurts... Don't hesitate just go home." She said "Ok." We went to Kyle to find out about the death of her... friend. I let out a sigh and walked into his office. He didn't look very happy today when he saw me; He just looked away. I asked "What's wrong?" He pulled up a page and printed it off handing it to me. I began to read "Dearest Kyle, I have left you for someone else. I'm tired of you talking about this Sebastian guy! I wish you would actually tell me once the truth... Please stay out of my life. From Yuka." I tilted my head and said "You were dating a girl and she left you... Maybe you should stop telling people about me!" He sighed and said "I also found your killer... His name is Warren Trance." I said "You only had the DNA for less then two minutes! How did you find it out that quick??!?" He said "Here is his address and stuff find him for Jane!" I sighed and though 'What will I do now? I love Joanna and Kyle!' This must be a nightmare. I pulled into the drive of Warren. His car was home and he was too. Only there was one problem... Our killer was killed or perhaps had taken his own life? I called the police and informed them about the killer. They said "Okay! You need to stay there for questioning..." After they questioned me for a solid hour I could go. It ended up that he committed suicide. At around 1 this afternoon. I called Jane and told her. She still sounded sad but when I called Kyle happiness resided in his voice. I smiled and walked in my house getting greeted by Joanna who had a blue morning glory in her hair. For some reason I began to feel faint and collapsed to the cold floor. Thanks to Kyle another case was solved? (((To Be Continued...)))

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