Chapter 16 Tour de France

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"JOANNA?!?" I screamed as I awoke. She quickly ran to my room and asked "Oh my Sebastian? Are you alright?" I said "Plane tickets... To France." She tilted her head and I said "Now for me and Jane..." Once it was about teatime I phoned Jane. She asked "Why France?" I said "Why not France?" She looked at me and said "Do you really think my mom will let me go to France with you?" I asked "Why not?" Then I just began explaining my dream and all of that mess. She then looked up at me and asked "Well... Why don't we go to Britain then?" I said "Because I feel a calling to go to France... It's like someone or something is trying to pull me there." She tilted her head and responded. "We first met at the Eiffel Tower.... We were eating lunch and happened to bump into each other. We were doing an investigation on the same man as separate dectives." I nodded and said "We need to go... Now!" A few hours later... Me and Jane were sitting in first class. Having a glass of cheap champagne and discussing my dream. I said "I hope we find out what was wrong with my dream. I mean who just dreams about the UK and France. Maybe bad memories?" Jane asked "Bad memories? What do you mean?" I wrapped my arms around myself and began shaking. Jane said "You look really pale now! Please don't say if you cannot." I nodded and shakly picked up my glass of champagne. I felt dizzy and soon blacked out. Pretty much through the rest of the flight. Once I awoke we were in a beautiful place. I whispered "Tour de France." Jane looked at me and said "Come on! We gotta go get our luggage and I have to call my mother." I said "Alright!" We got our luggage and checked into a hotel not far from the Eiffel Tower. I looked out the window and watched the sun fade onto the blurry horizon. Jane said "Here is your laptop! Joanna sent me emails on a homicide investigation... She hacked into the French police database!" I smiled and said "That's my girl! Hand me the computer." I began looking through various files and links. I sighed and thought "Only if Dante was still here..." I must've said it out loud because Jane asked "Who is Dante? Please don't tell me he is someone you pissed off..." I smiled and said "No No! Of course not... Actually it's quite the opposite of that!" She looked at me weird and I sighed and said "Dante... Is another story... For a different day." She rolled her eyes and glared at me. She asked "Why are you treating me like a child?" I said "Got it! Wait what?!?!" She said "You heard me and don't try to lie... What is this 'Dante' guy cuter then you?" I smiled and said "Cute? He is hotter then the sun. Now back to the case... I tracked down our criminal right here!" I said "Let's get this bastard!" We drove to an old shack of a place and I snuck inside with my ninja star ready. I heard a movement in the corner. I quickly threw the star in the direction of the sound. I reaquipped another ninja star. As I walked closer I seen a rat... With my ninja star in It's side. I was about to pick up the star. Until I heard another noise and I felt arms wrap around my waist. I turned to see an attractive woman holding my katana. She smirked and said "Sebastian... You won't mind... Me doing this?" Before I knew it my katana was through my stomach. She smiled and began twisting it around. At this point my blood was everywhere and before I began to see a white light. I heard two gun shots ring out. I walked into the light and seen Joan. She said "Hey Sebastian... Come here." She stood up and started to kiss me. I blushed and she wouldn't let me back away. She pulled my tie forcing me to fall onto her. She began tearing at my buttons and kissing down my chest. I felt her hand slip into my pants and begin to jerk me off. I let a rough moan escape my lips as I got harder. She smiled and got onto her knees and slipped my pants and boxers off. She took me in her mouth and began sucking me off. I tipped my head back and began thrusting into her mouth causing her to choke. I soon came and picked her up. She blushed and said "I want you... But it seems like you have to go. I will see you in a while Sebastian!" Before I could say anything I noticed that I was in a hospital bed. Jane was sleeping in a chair next to my bedside and Joanna curled up into a ball on another chair. I was about to sit up when a pain shot through my body. I groaned causing Jane to wake up. She said "Stop being restless and relax! I killed the woman that did this to you!" I nodded and said "Good job! She was the killer Miss Valentine." She smiled and said "Thanks now get to sleep! Before you make Joanna worry even more about you." I sighed and asked "How bad was it...?" Jane said "She missed your spinal cord but did a number on your side." I let out a small breath and said "I thought I should just die..." Jane slapped me and caused Joanna to shoot right out of her nap. She asked "What's going on he-?!?" Before she could finish the doctor walked in he held a clipboard close to his chest and said "We successfully sutured all of your wounds and what not... But you have to stay here in bed for a few weeks. So we can make sure your sutures don't come undone. Then we will also have to remove them." I nodded along and said "Alright. Girls go home and rest." Joanna was about to protest but Jane just drug her out of the room. A nurse rushed in and changed my IV and quickly ran back out. I looked down my robe to see blood staining the fresh gauze. I rested my head back on the pillow and said "Damn France!" At that moment the phone began to ring...

(To be Continued...)

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