Chapter 17 Konichiwa!

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At that moment the phone began to ring... I pressed the hospital nurse button on my bedside. A woman rushed in and handed me the phone. I said "Hello! It's Sebastian from..." The person cut me off. "Konichiwa!!!" I asked moreover tried to repeat what they said "Conechawa?" Without a response back the person hung up. I huffed angrily and put the phone on my chest. I laid back in bed and fell asleep. Soon it was morning and the smell of freshly made tea filled the room. The shades were open. Letting the morning sun bathe the room's white walls. I looked over to see a cute Asian nurse. She smiled and helped me sit up. She said "Hello... Sebastian! When were your bandages last changed?" I shrugged and she opened my gown. Sighing she got scissors and began to cut off the bandage. She said "Ack! That's gonna leave a horrible scar!" I shrugged and that's when she rubbed her hands together. Soon a brilliant blue light filled the room. She placed get hands on my wound. Soon the light faded and when I looked down my wound was gone... Also the nurse was nowhere to be found! I said "What in the?" A few seconds later I passed out. ((A few days later...)) "Mister Alexander you are free to go!" A nurse told me. I smiled and said "Thank you! I'm going to take my leave but I will like to ask you a question first." She looked up with a smile and said "Alright! Ask away now!" I began to recall the event as I asked "Do you know a nurse here?" She laughed and said "Allot actually... Can you be a bit more descriptive?" I said "Much obliged! She had long black hair, blue eyes, a cute panda keychain, and she appeared to be of Asian decent... She left before I could thank her!" She froze for a bit and said "Get out!" I asked "What's the mat-?" She shrieked "GET OUT OF HERE! YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING-!" She threw a vase at me and began crying. I went home and began research. Jane and Joanna kept saying "You seriously just got home! Go to sleep!" I would ignore them and continue typing. <1:44 AM> HAHAHA! I laughed happily as I pulled up a file. Name is Kimi, Kazanota, Age is 29, and... What? "S-She's dead..." Joanna stood up and said "There is no way I'm letting a ghost take you Sebastian!" I smirked a bit a said "At least she's a sexy ghost nurse!" She glared at me whilst blush still crossed her cheeks. I lifted her chin up and said "I hope you know I'm just joking! I'm not gonna canoodle a sexy nurse... Or would I?" She punched me in the gut and said "You're such an asshole!" She also slapped me and Jane cleared her throat. She spoke up and said "Do we have a case or not! I'm not gonna stay here while you both canoodle! Get a room." I sighed and said "Well let's pack up our stuff we're going home tomorrow!" Joanna sighed and said "Okay!" Soon the night came and we all went to sleep. Something felt strange and I quickly sat up... Where is Joanna? With how cold the bed is she could've been gone for an hour! I shook my head and got dressed. I drove to the hospital to find Joanna. I noticed her motorbike. I walked into the almost empty hospital...
I walked past a room and heard something. I quickly opened the door to see. Joanna half naked and the nurse was on top of her. The nurse turned to me sharply and said "I need food!" She said "I hate the flesh of men... So I eat women it's like a delicacy!" I said "You! Don't tell me?" She put on a cynical smile and said "Yes... I ate Kimi, Kazanota! Her flesh was the color of pure porcelain and her blood the deepest crimson!" She reached her claws out to me and-. *BANG!* The nurse go shot by who? I turned to see Jane on the other roof with a sniper. I froze and thought "What the?!?!" I walked towards Joanna who was laying motionless on the desk. I tried to hold back the tears as I stammered "D-Don't leave me... P-Please!" My tear drops fell into her as I pulled her into my arms. I said "Don't go!" I soon felt something touch my cheek. It was Joanna's hand. She gave me a faint and weak smile. She said "I'm gonna to go anywhere... Just hold me a bit closer. I'm cold." Jane walked in said "Sebastian... Clean this up! I'm gonna get someone to help her." I smiled and said "Roger!" I called the police and said "Hey there has been a case closed on the missing girl... Yeah..."  ※The next day...※ Were back in America and have a day off. I decided to take Joanna on a date. Jane is at home attending to her Royal duties! So another case was solved during Tour de France! See ya next time.

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