Chapter 19 The death of a Bachelor!

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"Damn it Jane! I know. I know ok! Good riddance." I responded into my phone. Well me and Jane haven't been getting along well. Joanna said "Here's the next case I-!!!" I said "Let's go to Vegas and get married!" She said "Sebastian! Put me down. I want to-." I said "That's it! I'm going to talk to Jane face to face!" I sat her down and dashed out of the door. I ended up riding a bike to Jane's house. A maid opened the door and said "Oh Mister Alexander! Come in." I said "Can you please just get Jane for me?" She said "I'm afraid I can't... Jane is missing." I said "She's missing?!?!?" The maid smiled and stabbed me in the neck with a syringe. I woke up in an empty white room and the only thing that grabbed my attention was a yellow door knob. The only thing that was not white. I reached out my cuffed hands and turned the knob. The maid was on the other side of the door! She smiled and said "My my! You are quite the light sleeper... Unlike Jane here!" To be honest Jane looked fine. Minus a small scratch on her cheek. I let out a roar of laughter and said "Her mother works in law enforcement... An... *Hahaha!* You think you can get away with this!" She pulled out another syringe but I made my way behind her. I grabbed her wrist that had the syringe in it. I then whispered in her ear "Darling your a maid... Not a nurse!" She dropped the syringe and collapsed to the floor in tears. She shouted "I-I love Jane!" My ears perked up a bit when I heard that. I asked "You... You like her? You like Jane?" She nodded and looked up at me, with eyes of clarity. I said "Alright. Alright I believe you!" She said "I'm sorry about earlier..." I said "Well... Let's get you, me, and Jane out of here." I carried Jane into her house and I smiled. The maid said "I will protect her." I smiled and ruffled the maid's hair. She blushed a bit and I said "I trust you... What is your name?" She said "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier... I'm Sarah." I said "Ok... Bye bye Sarah! I gotta get home to my woman." She winked and said "Your nasty Mr.Sebastian!" I smirked and left the Valentine manor. Before I was able to get home... I stopped... For some reason... I felt scared as if someone or something was watching my every move. The light turned green and I quickly sped home. I got out of the car, locked it, and dashed into the house. Joanna asked "What happened?!?! You we're gone for hours!" She clung to me tightly. I rubbed her back and said "I'm sorry, honey. Something came up! But I'm here now." She pulled away and let out a sigh. She then gave me a small kiss and said "I'm gonna take a shower... Want to join me?" I blushed and said "Uhhh! Yeah sure! Why shouldn't I?" She let out a giggle and pulled me into the bathroom by my tie. I smiled and we began to help each other remove our clothes. Soon we were in a hot and steamy shower. Of course I had one of the standing glass showers! So our bodies were pressed together. We began to lather up in soap. Soon enough we were slipping out of each other's grasp. After we rinsed off and got ready for bed Joanna asked "Can we have our wedding Saturday the 10th of September?" I smiled and said "Sure! Did you know... My birthday is tomorrow?" She smirked and asked "What do you want for a pres-?" My phone began to ring. I picked it up oanly to hear a shrill scream and someone saying "Help me! Seb-?!?!!" I quickly said "Joanna trace this call!" She pulled out her laptop and quickly started typing in the number. She said "It's in an alley way about a hour or two from here!" We dashed out to my car and drove to the alley. There we found a dead man. He was hung from an emergency escape at an apartment complex. Joanna covered her eyes and I turned her to the car and said "Hurry and call the police!" She dashed off and I quickly inspected the crime scene. I found an ID and foot prints. I sigh and think 'We have to question everyone here. To make sure they have an airtight alibi! Or that this isn't just another suicide.' I called Jane and began to survey the area. The cops showed up and then Jane... Who looked really tired or may I say a zombie. She said "Are you aure it's not just a suicide?" I nodded and said "I'm almost positive! Why would someone call asking for help? Unless it was a homicide!" She said "People that commit suicide have issues! Of course they would ask for help!" I then shut up and went into deep thought.

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