Chapter 5 Happy Birthday!

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Today was finally Jane's birthday. I picked out a beautiful outfit for her that clashed together. I wrapped it up and pulled on a nice outfit. It's odd though because no cases came in and my secretary Joan. She was all wrapped up in my trench coat. I smiled and said "Joan wake up!" She quickly shot up and said "I'm soo sorry Mister Sebastian!!!" I pulled her into a hug and said "It's okay!" She said "Yeah I found a case for you and Jane!" She began rattling off the details. I said "Ok a case at a strip club!" She blushed and asked "You're not... Gonna do that?" I smiled and said "Fashionista!!!" I called Jane and told her about the case. A murdered prostitute named Sasha Tolong. Jane said "Sebastian!!! Today is my birthday... But the case seems interesting. So your lucky! How are we gonna get in though?" I smiled and whispered into the phone "Fake ID's!" She said "Ok let's do it!" I drove to Jane's house. She was dressed very nice. I smiled and said "Happy birthday!" I handed her the present. She said "I will open it later okay!" I sighed and we soon arrived at the crime scene. The body was moved to autopsy. I thought 'Now we have to see Kyle again.' In my mind I cringed so hard. I said "Well Jane let's look around because there still maybe clues." We began to look around. I found a broken nail and some hair. I put both of the items in different bags. I said "Okay that seems like everything I can find." Me and Jane both left. We decided to come back once the club reopened. Then maybe we could catch the culprit. I dropped off Jane. She took her present and left me out in my car. I went home to see Joan. She said "Mister Sebastian! Here is all of the data. I found on the victim. I smiled and said "Thanks Joan! You can have the rest of the day off!" She blushed and said "B-but Mister!" I smiled and said "You can call me Sebastian!" She smiled and she hesitantly left. I grabbed the evidence. I grabbed my keys and locked my door. I started up my car and headed to the lab. Once I got there I didn't see Kyle. Someone looked at me and said "Kyle is in his office..." I smiled and said "Thanks!" I headed to his office and opened the door. He was sleeping at his desk. I asked "Hey are you okay?" He stood up and collapsed into my arms. I said "Hey... I have work for you!" He mumbled something into my chest. I asked "What did you say?" He backed away blushing and said "Okay babe!" I smiled and said "Here! It's from our new case. The death of a night walker!" He gave me a jealous stare. An said "You're one of those guys then!" I said "OH PLEASE! It's my job to solve crimes." He turned his back to me and began analyzing the evidence. He printed out the data and shoved it in my face. I said "Okay thanks!" He said "Wait! I'm sorry!" He hugged my waist from behind. I said "I'm sorry Kyle! I will see you soon." I walked out of the lab and called Jane. I said "Hey I'm picking you up later! The club is open at 8:30PM!" She said "Okay." Soon it was time to take action. I picked up Jane and we went to the club. There were multiple strange men there. We walked around and one caught my eye. I turned around and noticed "Jane where are you?" I looked around and she practically disappeared. I quickly texted Kyle and I received a call from an unknown number. A man with a husky voice said "Hahaha! You really thought it would be that easy to catch me! Oh yeah... I have your lady friend!" I shouted "Lay a finger on her and I!" He cut me off and hung up. I ran over to Kyle. He smiled and said "We dress you like one of the strippers!" I was at his house. He pulled out some very feminine clothes and said "Here! Wear this and this." I said "Oh... Well I knew this was gonna happen someday!" I pulled on the sexy clothing and Kyle drove me to the club. I got the first dance and 2 lap dances I had to do... One to Kyle...  That jerk! I started the night and noticed a man getting to close for comfort. Also he is the one I'm suppose to give a lap dance to. The strange man from earlier.. It's him!                                                                                                    -Later that night-                                                                                                                                                                                  I began to give the man a lap dance. He smirked and ran his hand up my skirt. I hopped back and said "O-Oh my your getting a bit of touchy feely!" I straddled him onto the floor and asked "Where is she?" He smirked and kneed me in the crotch. I collapsed on top of him and he said "Catch me first Sebastian!" He began to run and I threw a ninja star at his leg. Forcing him to stop and groan in pain. I pulled out my handcuffs and said "How about we try this again! Where is Jane at?!?" I yanked him onto his feet and said "Hmm? Not an answer!" I pulled out my switchblade and pressed it to his neck. I said "You better start talking!" He said "She's at my abandoned hunting cabin. I swear!!! The address is 4353 Maple Street!" I called the police to pick him up and I headed to the cabin. I kicked the door in and seen Jane on a couch. She turned to me and said "Dress?" With that she passed back out. I lifted her up and carried her out to my car. Placing her in the back seats. I smiled and said "Another case solved!" I started up my car and began to drive her home. With that another case was solved. Thanks to Kyle's yaoi collection!  :D 

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