The Struggles Of A Curvy Woman

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It seems like now a-days men want the skinny chick with the huge ass. Im here to let you know that your missing out on all the meat and ass a curvy women has. Im Frisky Parker and just to let you know im not skinny. This is my everyday life and im here to tell you.....the struggles of a curvy women.

Now first off im not one of those fat chicks that stay home and eat all day. I actually have a job. I work for a fashion company in New York and I make pretty good money. I have had several boyfriends in the past but I dont wanna go down that path. Today was a normal day but that wasnt going to be the same for long. I was picking up coffee for my boss and co-workers at a local Starbucks when I saw him.....Hazel eyes, almond brown skin and a fresh haircut. If it wasnt illegal I would  rape this man on spot. I took a quick glance at him and was shocked when he caught me take that glance. I looked away quick hoping he didnt see my face start to blush. "Mrs.Frisky!!" one of the employees at Starbucks yelled. I got up from my booth and made my way to counter where the coffee was in to-go trays. When I was walking up I could feel the glances from the 100 pound hoes. I raised my head high and kept moving. When I got to the counter I paid for the coffee and kept moving. Before I left though I had to steal one last look at Hazel eyes. I looked at him and at the same time he looked at. I looked away then gave a smile. Today was my day.

When I got to the fashion studio I could tell today was going to be a long day. These skinny hoes cant keep the models in good clothes. But me I can dress these size 2 bitches anyway I wanted and they would look good. Im not being arrogant trust me im far from it but if I ran this place the other bitches that work here would be fired in a heart beat. I shuffled my way into my bosses office and sat her coffee on the table. I then went to my studio and saw the 4 models I was going to work my magic on. I sat the first model down and got her meausrements. I then got her one of the dresses I drew up and made by hand. I put it on her then got her some shoes to go with it. She was then rushed out into make up and hair. After working my magic on the rest I sat down and closed my eyes. For some reason that sexy Hazel eyed brotha was stil on my mind. I was mid thought when my office phone started ringing. I picked up to my boss on the line. "Yes ma'm" I say answering the phone."I have a co- partner for you he is new here and im pretty sure you two will get along" she says. I roll my eyes and give her a polite ok. After hanging up I give a silent grunt then get up to go see this mystery man. When I walked into my bosses office it was deja vu there sitting next to her was Sexy Hazel eyes. When he saw me he got up and came over to shake my hand. "Hi im Frisky.....Frisky Parker" I say extending my hand for him to shake. But insteads of shaking it he kissed it and I almost fainted. "Nice to meet you Frisky im..... David Ottoman" he says. I give him a nod then turn to the boss. "Show him the ropes then I want you two to come up with a new idea for my back to school fashion line" she says. I nod then usher him towards the door. Before we exit out I turn and look at him. "The women out there will eat you alive just stay close to me and you will be ok" I say. He nods and I get ready to enter the studio of thirst and sweaty skinny bitches. When I opened the door and walked out I was nervouse for David. He was close behind me but even then women were hollering at him. "I WANNA PIECE OF THAT ASS!!" one of the ladies scream. I roll my eyes and keep going. They knew not to come near me so I wasnt suprised they didn't  walked in my lane. 

When we got to my office I closed the door and locked it. I sat at my desk and he sat in a chair that  he pulled close to me. "The ropes are simple whatever looks right to you and the boss goes on the fashion line if it doesnt look right to her you have 1 chance to finish it if you dont finish it your ass is grass" I say. He nods to let me know he is still on track. "Alright so I guess we should get to work on our back to school project" I say. "I think we should do a curvy girl outfit for the curvs that REAL women have" he says. I almost fell in love, he loves fashion,and he likes curvs. God couldnt send me a better partner. "I think thats a great idea" I say. "Lets write it down on paper then go on our lunch break" I say. He nods and we write our ideas in the journal. After writing it down I picked up the phone ready to call my take out place. But before I could dial the first number David grabbed his coat. "Where are you going?" I ask. "I thought we were going to lunch" he says confused. "I dont go out to lunch I order take-out" I say. "Why is that?" he asked. "Look at me nobody wants to see me eat" I say truthfully. "Thats a lie your a beautiful curvy women im taking you out to Le Madeliene to get you some real food and im not taking no as a answer" he says. I sigh. He then grabbed my hand and we walked out the office. Damn I could get use to this.


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