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Spend a Little more time Trying to make something of yourself and a Little Less time trying to Impress people....

M Y R A.

I woke up in a hospital bed was what it looked like because it definetly didn't look like it was my room. Or anybody's room as a matter of fact because it was that obvious.

I blinked a couple of times to clear my slightly blurred vision.

"Oh so you're finally awake." Said a crispy voice from beside me. "You've been asleep for a day now, love." He said stroking my hair. Because of which I Iet out a shriek. My heart was beating way too fast at the moment that I really feared it would just burst inside my chest. The cardio machine too started beeping faster. And I'm sure Harry noticed it, which is why he threw a smirk my way.

I looked at him in terror.

Why was he here?

Oh my god. Does he own this place?

Where the hell Am I!

What is he gonna do to me?

Why are there no people around me?!?

As though Harry read all my thoughts, He smiled and said, "I don't understand why you're so afraid of me? I mean I don't Bite. And I'm 600% sure I don't look like a freak." He chuckled at the last bit.

I was amused by this. I couldn't find my voice to reply, partially because I did not have a solid comeback at the moment. Suddenly I noticed a huge white plaster on my right leg. Great. So now I was temporarily handicapped. The fault in my stars.

"Oh and your mother will be here soon. I informed her and gave her the address of this hospital." He said and I nodded.

Hearing that, I felt my tensed body relax a bit. I closed my eyes but suddenly popped them open in realisation."You What?!?!"

"I said I informed your mother and she's on her way to come and see you. Did your ear get damaged in the hit too?" He said with a little playful smile on his face.

"How?" I asked in utter supprise. I had nothing to say, I was that shook.

"Well I opened your bag and took your phone out. I searched for the name 'Mom' or 'Mum' in your contact list because that's what most people label right? It was an easy guess. Heh." He said proudly.

"Oh." I said taking a breath. Moments later I looked at him in shock.

"My phone has a Passlock. Wait. Did you get into my phone?" I said with a puzzled look on my face.

"What a guess, Sherlock!" He said sarcastically. "Looks like my Lil' Princess is catching up" He said with a smirk. Again.

"You're sick and pathetic" I said feeling completely disgusted for no reason as I turned my face away from him and towards the window.

"You know it was necessary. Well, everyone has parents. Figured I'll take my chances of you not being an orphan and got your phone unlocked and searched for your mum. I called her because I didn't want your mummy to be worried about you. I did so last night itself and told her not to worry as I was here taking care of everything and she kind of agreed. A bit of difficulty in convincing her but she did agree nevertheless." He said with a shrug.

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