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Be the best version of yourself!


M Y R A.

So it was Niall's great idea of going on a group date. What the hell Niall?!

Everyone's got a date and I certainly don't wanna third wheel all of them.

Well, Louis was with Eleanor. (Ps: I like El more than this Dani, his recent😂 No hate please)
Liam was with Cheryl. Niall supprisingly was with Ellie. Huh? When did this happen? A smirk danced on my face when Ellie said she was coming too. The thing what supprised me the most was that She and Niall could actually be a thing. Lmao. She eats like a bird and Niall eats like a Beast.

It's funny how people fall in love in mysterious ways....


Well Shawn was in too, But he said he was gonna supprise me. Oh well...

I didn't want to be all alone there.. I mean yeah, They were all my friends and how can one be alone when with friends? But you know what I mean...

Also I didn't want to see "Haylor" into action there. So I was just gonna back out. I picked up my phone to dial Liam's cell phone to make some kind of an excuse saying I'm sick or something when suddenly my phone started going off. Why was Harry calling me?

With a little hesitation, I quickly laid down on the edge of my bed with my head falling down to make my voice sound congested. Nice hack I know. I picked up the call

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey...Um...How are you?" He awkwardly asked me.

Awkward Harry is the best tbh.

"Well....I'm fine, What about you?"

So now I was Awkward...

"Fine? You don't sound fine. Are you okay?" His voice suddenly rose and I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me. Typical Harry.

"Harry I'm fine." I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice. "What happened? Is something wrong with you or---"

"No no. I...I...I just called to ask you something...."

".....and that question is?" I know I was being rude but I had to call Liam before the reservations right?

I mean no matter how rich you get, VALUE MONEY! For all you know your lil' waste of   
money/food could be the dinner for two poor kids.

"Yeah. Um...I just wanted to ask you uh...Will you go to that dinner with me?"

"Holy shit." I muttered under my breath as I instantly sat up straight. I hoped he didn't hear that.

"What? Weren't you going with Taylor?"

"Uh..Yes..No. Can you uh...Meet me right now?"

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