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At any given moment, you have the power to say:

"This is not how the story is going to end."

H A R R Y.

I woke up with a massive head ache. It felt like someone is constantly hitting me with something as hard as an iron bar. Ironically, I actually was hit with one.

I looked at my hands in horror. Hundreds of needles were pierced through my skin. Various parts of my body were covered with a white mesh cloth. Did they get me in so many places? Wow.

I sat up dizzily.

Everything hurt so bad at the moment. I really should ask them to increase the flow of morphine in my body.

I looked around while I blinked my eyes a couple of time to clear my hazy vision. My eyes later landed on something that was placed on the bed beside my own.


My heart started beating fast as soon as I saw her. She was fast asleep. She looked terrible. Her eyes looked puffy and her under eye bags were slightly red, hair was a total disaster while she looked pale?

I wanted a nurse, No I needed a nurse to keep me on more painkillers or else this pain is going to be the death to me.

I pressed the "Assistance" button which was on the inward part of the arm rest next to the spare emergency button.

I was soon greeted by a nurse. She came into the room and switched on the light. As soon as the lights went on, My eyes were burning. It felt like they were on fire. You know, how they show those vampires when they're exposed to sunlight... exactly that same way.

"How are you feeling hun?" She politely asked me. She looked like middle aged lady.

"Dizzy." I breathed out. "The pain is killing me. Could you please just increase the flow of the painkiller?" I asked her.

"Well...." She walked towards my side table, reading the papers attached to a wooden clipboard kept on it.

She looked up and said "Okay good. According to this, they haven't kept you on many sedatives at one time. I think I can just sedate you with one minor dose for now and you'll wake up fresh as a daisy tomorrow." Her warm smile grew and she walked out of the door.

Suddenly there was a booming sound coming from beside me. A bottle of water was what fell on the floor. My eyes landed on an exhausted Myra.

"Feeling fresh yet?" I asked.

"Hey." She breathed before she realised our current situation. "Are you fuckin' kidding me? You're the one who's been knocked out for three days straight. How are you feeling now?" She raised her hands and stretched while she yawnned like a small baby.

"Never felt better." I chuckled and she rolled her eyes. She got off her bed, stood up and grabbed a stool and brought it next to my bed on the other side and sat on it. She laced her fingers with mine and gave my hand a gentle kiss.

"You have no idea what kind of hell I've been through because of you, you idiot." She said as she closed her eyes and I chuckled again.

"God! I was so scared. I thought I lost you. I still have a hard time believing that I was this close to lose you forever." She opened her eyes and I could see the tears gathering around the brim of her eyes ready to spill out any moment.

"I'm not sure why I'm saying this but I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, even thought it wasn't my fault but whatever." I said with a smile and saw her nod her head with a smile too. "Come here."
I held out a hand and she gladly came closer and I wrapped her into a tight hug.

"I will never lose you and nor will you ever lose me okay?" I whispered to her while I stroked her hair. "That's a promise I make." I said softly.

"Oh you better live up to that promise." She laughed as we pulled away and soon we were face to face.

"I love you." She said after a few moments. Her was voice so crisp, my heart was flipping on the inside.

"I love you more, darling." I whispered and before I even knew it, my lips crashed onto hers.

Her lips felt as desperate as mine. The kiss was so passionate, wanting more of each other every time we pulled away.

After about a few five minutes the nurse came back with the magic potion. She injected the painkiller into my arm and playfully wished me goodnight and left.

Things were starting to feel good again. The pain was no longer felt. I could breathe with ease. My vision though, had started going a bit black as the lady had promised me earlier. Soon, the darkness clouded my vision like a warm blanket and I slipped into my much needed sleep. 


So this was it. I'm sorry. I don't know what to write anymore. But don't worry. I'll figure it out and give you more amazing chapters ahead. My word.

Happy reading!

Much love,
Me x

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