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Let your eyes see the good in a person, Rather than judging someone based on what they look like, Try understanding them and see what's on the inside, instead.

^Idk...but I actually wrote that myself :P



Please read the authors note at the end of the chapter. It's Important!!



H A R R Y.

In all honesty, it sure was a difficult task to explain to Mrs. Lorrentis that my friend and I accidentally started a fire in her kitchen and almost burnt down her entire house in the process.

Obviously we did take it upon ourselves to fix everything after explaining and apologising a load.

It's been like a week after Myra's big blast birthday -literally- and I asked her out on a date today.

After our first date we've been on several other dates here and there. I can officially call her mine because I asked her if she would be my girlfriend on our fourth date and her reaction was pretty priceless.

I know you must be thinking what about my coronation? That I was supposed to be king and all that crap.

Let's just say, I may or may not have hooked up Gemma with one of my friends, James. He likes to be called Jim, a little less pretentious name as he would put it.

It all started from the royal ball I was made to attend just so I could meet my potential suitors. In other words, it was basically an excuse for me to check out every female that was attending that ball.

Gemma always liked these events so she would oh so willingly accompany me just to check out guys herself. It was just me and her, representing our family at the event.

Throughout the goddamn evening, Gemma, the annoying prick she was, would judge every other lady here with absolute distaste. From their dressing sense to their eyebrows, she wouldn't spare them. Spare me rather, because she kept pointing out everyone's appearance and gossiped about all of it to me, a man who absolutely does not give a fuck about being at the event in the first place let alone judge the other lady guests here based on their brows and makeup.

The good thing that happened here was that my good friend Jim also happened to be here at the ball.

I was meeting him after three years if I'm correct. He and I were partners in crime since we were small children before our parents sent us to different schools and all that extra royal bullshit.

Jim is a good man. I know that for a fact because he and I both took great pains to annoy Gemma.

We were so happy to see each other it almost made us cry. In a cool way though. Nothing dramatic. We're cool.

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