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Making up for my lazy yet tired ass again :P


You are YOU. And that's your Power!

H A R R Y.

Liam and I went to the hospital caffeteria to grab cold coffee. We took a seat in the left corner, last table. Mainly because we were not up for any fans showing up and asking for autographs and pictures.

"I-I can't believe it. Shawn just said he and Myra never dated. Wow. What a liar." I sighed.

"Uh...Harry. I think it's time for You to know what I'm gonna say now. And No, That wasn't a lie either." Liam took a sip of his coffee.

"What?!" I nearly spat my coffee out.

"Brace yourself for more things...." He warned.

"So Myra lied about everything..." He began.


After a whole twenty minutes of explanation I realized what a jerk I had been all this while to her. I was literally in tears.

"And you knew this?" I asked in a supprise.

"Not only me, But Louis, Shawn and Ellie know it too." He said.

"What the--- Why did you guys not tell me before?" I asked.

"Hello? Have you been hearing all this while or no because I clearly mentioned it before, Myra was threatened by Anne. If she told you about this deal, or you came to know about this deal, directly or indirectly, You were gonna die. SO WE ALL HAD TO KEEP IT A SECRET!" He said in annoyance.

"I-I can't believe this..." I ran my shaky fingers through my hair. "All this while I thought she cheated on me just to use me. But she never did...I-I thought she was happy without me...What have I done." I groaned in frustration.

"You say she let you go all happily and all but do you remember the day she met us on the airport?" He asked.

"Uh...Yeah. Why?" I questioned.

"If you remember clearly she had a white gauze wrapped around her wrist..." He said and I noded. "Yeah...that wasn't just anything. She tried to commit suicide. Why? Because she wasn't ready to live without you and also because she didn't want you to get killed because of her greed."

My mouth was wide open. Both my hands automatically came up and coverd my mouth, nearly muting my gasp.

"All th-this while I thought she never loved me. I-I was such a jerk Liam." A tear escaped my eye. "I-I can't believe she went through all of this just to see me safe. I-I mean I didn't even see that coming....Oh my god. W-What have I done except giving her all the pain in life. I told her about how much I hated her and how much I was glad that she was out of my life." I said. Tears started leaving my eyes and I had absolutely zero control over it.

"How do you know all of this?" I asked suddenly.

"Before leaving the airport I had told you to sit in the car as I wanted to pee and come..Remember? Yeah that's where I lied to you and went up to her. I told her that if she didnt tell me the truth I would make sure that the security didn't let her board any flight and thats when she told me. She asked me to keep it hiden. Harry. You should've seen her. She was worried. Worried for you mate." He smiled at the memory. "And her kissing Shawn was absolute bullshit. She said she forced Shawn to kiss her then or you wouldn't have left. When I asked Shawn on how she was, He said she cried her way to Canada. Her eyes were red and swollen. He said she was all broken and he had never seen her so depressed about anything. Not even during her dad and brother's death had she been like that." Liam kept a hand on my shoulder.

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