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Uploading this before time Because I'm kind😂

Doing a Tripple Update.


It all starts from there. It's not like the regular romance you read on wattpad😛 SOOOO EXCITED TO HAVE YOU'LL READ FROM CHAPTER 00:09

Had to add these fillers.  Can't Help. Sorryyy :P

Happy reading :)



The time will pass anyway.
You can spend it Creating the life you've always wanted or
Spend it living the life you don't want.
The  Choice is YOURS!

H A R R Y.

It's been about a week since Myra has been in the hospital recovering from the broken leg bone. I visited her almost everyday just to give her some company. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy spending time with her. And to be honest, she didn't mind spending time with me either. We got to know each other a lot in these few days, actually.

I felt light at heart around her, so much that any thought that would strike my mind, I could always tell her with ease knowing she's sitting there and listening to me and not judging me for who I am at all. I mean at some stupid things, of course she judged me for being a dumbass but it was all playful with her.

Everyday people would stare at me and I'm pretty sure I already know what they're thinking. You know, the same old why is a Prince was coming into a local and unsecured hospital, visiting an irrelevant girl like her. Well I was beyond done with people and their expectations of me to actually give a fuck about them, anymore. A hell load of reporters would often run up and down the place looking for new gossips to cook.

Anyway. Today was the day when they were finally giving her a discharge. Who knows after this we may or may never meet or talk again. Not to be overdramatise thing but there pretty much is a high possibility of that happening.

Not all people are lucky. Not everyone gets their fairy tale.

"Heeey" She said from behind me in her goofy voice.

"Hey there" I smiled to her while I was paying off the bills at the counter.

"Harry, What are you doing?" Her voice tensed up as she came next to me.

"Oh, This. Uh... Nothing." I said. "Hows your leg?" I asked her instead, trying to dodge her question.

"Hey! Look here. I know we may have some monetary problems but you don't have to do this okay? My mom is here, She'll handle it... some way. I don't want to... burden you." She completely ignored my question and said awkwardly instead.

"Burden me?" I asked her with an amused face. "Not to sound self centred but you do know who I am right? It's not even a little pinch to me, in all due respect to your family though..."

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