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So many of you guys have questions of your own about what's actually happening lolz.

Don't worry, it's all pretty simple and explained sooner or later in one of these chapters.

Ya'll be asking if they are gonna have a reunion and if things will go back to being normal again.

Some of my readers, you guys...😂

Are literally so awkward about directly asking me that ya'll be dropping questions to me through my ask.fm. LOL. Not that I have a problem but it's a bit funny but seriously tho, You can talk to me here too. No worries people, I don't judge neither ddo I bite ;D

Anyway, I figured it'd be a nice idea to have a question and answer round to clear any doubts (if at all any) you guys have. I don't think ya'll should have one... but sure, whatever...

Feel free to drop your questions here or Ask.Fm. where ever ya'll feel comfortable on :D


Don't be trapped by dogma. Don't waste your life living it like others.

M Y R A.

Today was so far, was a really good day of my life... or so it felt. I was reunited with two of my dearest people from my past who were more like the brother I never had, really. I must say though, I was a little surprised when Louis wasn't angry on me even though I left all of them with enough reasons to hate on me. As far as I knew Louis, he wouldn't take shit. He would actually get back at people if they so much as taunt him. He was like a mini ticking bomb inside that small body waiting for someone to just set it off.

I chose to ignore it and thought it's better to not invite anymore drama in my life.

From what Liam told me, Harry was going to attend too and he wanted this ball arranged according to him. I convinced both, Liam and Louis to atleast give us 2 more days time and they did.

So my management, immediately after the agreement got started with the arrangements.

Infact, Joan, after a span of thirty minutes of their agreement even got the decorators and party planners to come meet with us to select the arrangements, designs and stuff. I told ya she was fabulous as hell!

Zhou Young was an emerging decorator. She was a big hit among people since her first ever themed party. Derek Lavaras was already a well known, established event manager for all the event arrangements. He had had planned and arranged for huge events like the Oscars and Golden Globe awards. How Joan got them to meet such reputed people under such short time is beyond me but one thing I know for sure is that Joan is about to receive another raise in her salary for her constant efforts at perfection.

So far the two boys settled for a red carpet entrance and a regal as shit kind of a ball. Within such set of instructions both of them left and in walked, what Joan told was, Carlo Montio another one of those well known designers.

Louis suggested that he really wanted the girls to be dressed up in regal princess gowns and have fairy wings accompanied by a crown and a wand while the girls can select whatever design of the dress they like.

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