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Marco Pov
It was that time of year again, going to a ball my parents organized for the exchange student program..I'm so glad we use the money for them and not so much on us, we might be upper class but we don't act ones "Marco, ready to meet new people?" My mother said "Yeah mom, ready" she smiles and we hop in our limo and we talk about how wonderful its going to go "Do you think the butterfly's will be there?" My dad had a face that looked like disgust "I hope not, they only care about the money not the cause, be careful of their daughter Marco" "Yes sir"

"Good, now let's go meet new people" my father said exiting the limo and my mom too "Master Marco" "Thanks Frederick" he tilt his hat and closed the door and all I see are cameras flashing and see my parents taking pictures and talking, should do the same "Marco! Over here! Is it true your dating the Thomas girl?" I laugh "No, we're good friends that's all" I keep walking and more flashes are around me "Marco, is it true you have your own charity?" "Yes and no comment" I keep going when I see my parents wanting me to take a picture with them "Diaz's over here!" The paparazzi said and we smiled and entered the building "So many flashes this time" my mother said and I rub my eyes "No kidding" we laugh and enter the hall where everyone is

"Welcoming the Diaz Family" a roar of applause and screams filled the room as we entered "Glad we could be here" my parents said and we walked towards the middle and had other people that are from different charity events "Ni hao Marco" "Ni hao Li, how is it where your staying?" "Wonderful, thanks to your family, here I got you this" she gave me a box "What's inside?" "Open it and find out" I chuckled and it was a ring and had dragons "Wow, this is amazing thank you so much, I want to buy you something in return" "No, that's not nessesary Marco" I hugged her "Thanks, I mean it" "No problem, I better go later" she walked off and I put the ring on, such a cool gift

This isnt the first I gotten a present from exchange students "Marco, this is my daughter Jacklyn Lynn Thomas" "Yes sir, we've met before, nice seeing you again Jackie" "Same to you" her father let us talk a bit "Did the paparazzi ask you if we were dating?" I chuckled "Yes, like multiple times, all I said was that we're good friends, and don't you like Blake Wilde?" She covered my mouth "If my dad found out, he'll freak but yeah but he says that he's bad for me but who cares? I want a taste of Wilde" I laugh and she does too "Jacklyn so naughty" "Shut up Marco, look who it is..your stalker, later" she gave me a hug and walks away and Janna comes towards me "Evening Diaz, you look dashing"

I roll my eyes and fix my tux "Thanks, you look pretty, new clothes?"she giggles "Yeah..so is it true your dating Jackie?" I huff "No, we're good friends, and stop snooping around, and stop flirting with me and sending me love notes and gifts, they are good and all but I can't take it, its not right" she sigh "Fine, but you'll be mine soon" she said caressing my cheek and I move her hand "I doubt it, just go" she waves and walks away and I sigh and watch everyone socialize and I see this girl that caught my attention.. She gives me glances and smirks and I walk and offer her sparking juice "I saw you looking at me..want to introduce yourself to me" I say handing her the glass "I can't really, say my name..but thanks for the drink Mr Diaz" I raise an eyebrow "How'd you know my name mystery girl" she smiles "I know people, care to dance?" She said putting her hand for me to take and I do and watch her, she's beautiful, her eyes are amazing.. Her hair is so perfect and she smells devine "So..why did you want my attention?" I said looking down at her "You seem..nice" I chuckle "Why haven't I seen you before?" She moves her head to the side "Maybe you have.." I was so interested in this girl, she was a mystery to me, I was lost in the dance and I didn't realize our faces were inches away "You can dance well, I'm impressed Diaz" I looked at her lips and kissed them quick and she looked at me and walked away without a word "Wait!" I was pulled back by Jackie "What gives?" "Your dad is about fight with Mr Butterfly go now" I look at the direction she ran away and I run to my fathers side "I don't want you taking over this company, I told you before" "Come on Diaz, it will raise twice as more, I have connections with other charities, trust me" "Trust you, no thanks, just leave I don't want you here" my mother held NY dad back and I helped too and I see the girl..she's the butterfly's daughter and I kissed her..what did I do?

"We'll go, come on darling let's go" "Yes sir" she glances bat me and blushes and walks out and I hold my arm, why did I want to keep talking to her again? "Can't you believe that? I'm sorry everyone, go back to the party" everyone did and I felt like throwing up "Honey you okay?" I nodded "Yeah, I'm fine" they went back and I sat down and thought about her, now I know who her parents are, my father's enemy and mines..I'm an idiot

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