Chapter 21: That one boy

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Jane Pov
As I walked through the neighborhood I saw Vanessa going towards comets and she looked at me "Hey Janis, what's up" I groan "Hey, and my name is Jane ness, where you off to?" She blushed a bit before she answers me "Well I'm gonna go apologize to Comet about last night, I'm sorry for you getting in trouble too, I wasn't thinking know how it is"

I gave her look while she giggled on her own, what the heck does comet see in her? " be honest, I'm kinda jealous of your friendship with Comet, yeah it's obvious he has a crush on me but the way he acts with you..he has a caring heart and treats you like a flower that's so rare" I blush a bit, I dong know what to say, we became friends when we were little kids, we just clicked

"Why..why would you be jealous? Your so pretty and nice and I'm just a weird girl who has a cool best friend that everyone likes..I should be jealous of you if I'm honest" I held my arms and I saw smile "Yeah, but you already have Comet..I'm gonna go, bye Jane and sorry for name mix up" she was gone in a flash most likely heading to Comets, I thought it over and recall all the memories of me and him,

well he has been always there for me even though I never wanted him to.. but Vanessa is right, I already have comet but as a friend even though I like him more than that, why is liking someone you know you can't have hard? I rush to my house where I see my mom in her art studio painting "Hey mom, what are you painting?" She turns and smiles "hey darling, just painting what I feel, did you visit Comet?"

I nodded and sigh " I think I might actually be falling for that bad?" She laughs and shakes her head "No, I don't think and him been friends for awhile now and you guys are super close no matter how distant you two get" I looked down at my feet, my nails colored black and designs I make up, what does he see in me that made him stay by my side?

I leave my mom and head into my bedroom and lay on my bed and pull out my scrapbook I made with Comet when we were 10, back then I wasn't as moody as I am now, ugh the pigtails why did my mother let me go out like that? I looked at comet who was hugging me and kissing my cheek, I remember that day, I hurt and scraped my knee and I cried and he helped me by making me laugh.. maybe that's why we're so close,

we grew up together so we're comfortable being around each other, I close the book and look at my wall full of pictures I took over the years with comet and my parents, I looked at one that stood out the most, the one with Comet looking right at me as the sun castes behind him, he loved that photo that I made him copies..that was recent too like a month ago or so? I walk towards my bed and look at the photo, I like my best over

The Next day I woke up with my room looking like a mess, probably when I was angry with my dad, I scoff and head downstairs and see my mother wasn't home, but she did leave a note "Hey kid, went to do some grocery shopping don't wait up and your father is home tonight at 8 so if your out and about please come before then, don't want to hear his voice-Mom" I chuckle a bit and find some food to eat and I turn on the TV and see comets dad on the news, what's going on? 'Mr Diaz, is it true your son got arrested the day before or it's just rumored?'

Yikes that really sucks 'I'll admit my son did something that I would never picture, but he's a good kid, so stop asking questions about my personal life' must suck having a company so high in rankings that it could collapse at any given second as I stuffed my face with cereal I heard my phone as I looked down it was a text from my bestie

'Comet»I feel like a turd, did you watch the news?' I typed back and thought about heading to his house, as I did I looked at myself, I wasn't wearing my dark makeup or clothing I actually loom normal well more or less as I climbed through his window he walked in and looked unimpressed "You do realize I have a door downstairs"

I giggled "Yeah but it's better climbing up to your bedroom, so want to rant about it?" He chuckles and lays on his bed and I did as well, looking at the ceiling filled with those dumb stars we placed years ago "I wished I listened to you Jane, we should've left the moment you had a funny feeling" I giggled a bit "Yeah, but you were blinded by Vanessa...did she stop by yesterday?"

He nods "Yeah, to apologize did she see you?" I nodded "She called me Janis instead Jane, but she apologized afterwards and we talked about stuff.." I blushed a bit looking away from him "Stuff like what?" As I turn I'm staring into his eyes that seems shine everytime I look at him "About you.." he blushes and sits up and I do to "Was something good or bad?"

Why was he panicking about what she thinks "Does it matter?" He nods "Jane yes it does, like I'm getting there she's gonna like me" I sigh "She already knows, you make it obvious you dink, and she likes you too..she told me how sweet and caring you are" he smiles and dazed out probably about Vanessa "My crush likes me back, it's a miracle that means this date this Friday is going to go awesome"

wait date? She asked him out? Wow he's getting his dream girl after all "Date? What about karaoke night?" He looks at me and groans which meant he forgot "Oh man, I forgot about that..can I give you a rain check?" I nodded "I guess so, honest with me" he nods and sits by me "Of course, what's up" I took a deep breath "Why are you my friend? Is it because I'm weird or you felt bad for me?" He looked shocked

"Jane, your my best friend because I liked hanging around you, your so talented and unique that you hide the best parts of you, you can draw, sing, and write really well but you choose to hide them for popularity, I'm your friend because I'm like the only person who understands you whenever your in a mood, I'm your friend because I wanted to be, not because I felt sorry for you, I enjoy hanging with you even if we're both sarcastic smart mouths" I laughed and blushed a bit

"Does that answer your question?" I nodded "Yes, it did and thanks I needed that from you" he pulled me into a hug, I loved his hugs it made me feel okay and free just his hugs make the pain go away "Best friends for always" I smiled as he held my hand and I could feel my heart beat a little fast "Comet, I like you.."

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