Chapter 32: Getting Even

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Jane Pov

I marched my way towards the Diaz residence as I had so many thing cooking up inside my head that comet will never do this again. As I turn a car stopped. "Jane? Where you going?" I look and see his dad. I smiled at him. "I'm on my way to see comet. We have a date today." He nods "well hop in. I'm heading there myself." I nod as I got into the car. "Sup kayden. How's ella?" He nods. "Shes good. Sucks she has to be farther away now." I nod knowing why. "Don't worry it won't be long. So Jane what are your thoughts on Marina?" I groaned. "I get a very bad vibe from her. She seems odd and a bit terrible. I don't genuinely like her if I'm honest. And I'm saying this the nicest way possible." I say as Mr. Diaz looks at me through the mirror. "At least you said it this way. I was afraid you were going to say worse." I chuckled. "Oh you mean like, Bitch, Cunt, slut, a hoe. And many others?" He sighs "there it is." I chuckled. "Don't worry Mr. Diaz I'll be nice cause I care a lot for Ella. But I'm not going to play nice with Marina. You have been warned." He nods knowing its true. He can't really hold me back.


As we finally make it I quickly get out and go find that trader. "Hi Mrs. Diaz where is Comet?" She pointed towards the stairs. "In his room. Uh jane are you okay?" I nodded. "Yeah. Just need to talk to him. Uh before I go up there just a heads up. If you hear screaming or things being thrown don't come up." Her eyes widen. "Uh Jane-" her husband held her. "Its alright Star. Comet kinda deserves this." Star nods as she nods a bit worried but none the less. I nod as I rushed upstairs to comets door. I opened it to see him laying on his bed with his phone. "Jane? What are you doing here?" He got up as he came near me. "Babe?" I pushed him against the door. I pinned him as I shot a glare.

"J-Jane! What's happening?! Mom! Dad!" I took a deep breath. "They won't help you." I say as he started to shake. "How can you do that to your own sister?" He looked confused. "What are you talking about?!" I slammed him again. "Don't play dumb! Why didnt you believe in her?! Shes your world and you just brushed her off?!" He was looking at me with fear. "Oh! Are you talking about this morning?! Ella had plan to dump water on Marina. So I-" "Believed the bitch instead of her?! Comet Estella is your little sister. Your real blood relative. How could do that to her? You know she cried when you didnt believe her. Now your dead to her." I pulled away as I crossed my arms. "Jane.." I looked away "now I'm thinking your becoming dead to me.." he grabbed my hand as he started to panic.

"Jane. No please don't be like this. I'll go apologize to her and talk it out. She means everything to me." I pulled my hand away. "Lair! If she did you would have ran to her not the other one. Frankly I don't want to be around here if she's here. Either you do something about this or we're done." He looked so broken. "Jane you don't mean that." I sigh. "I don't but it could happen Comet. Fix this now or I'm not coming over this whole summer." I pushed by him as I exited his room as that bitch was standing at Ella's door. "Wow did I cause such a huge fuss?" I glared at her as I stalked closer. I was towering over her. "You should really be careful who you talk to. I have really bad anger issues that I get from my father. One little slip up and I'll fuck up your pretty little face."

She gulps a bit but still holds her composer. "I-I'm not afraid of you." I chuckled darkly. "You should be." I looked at her wrist as I see the bracelet I made for ella. I grabbed her arm and took off the bracelet. "Also stop taking stuff that doesnt belong to you. You're lucky I have a limit in this house. If I see you around outside this residence be prepared." I threw her arm as she jumped back. "Stupid bitch." I say as I walked downstairs. "I'll be off. Goodbye Diaz's." As I make my leave I look back and gave an evil smirk at her as she looked terrified. "You better be afraid of me." I laughed hysterically as I walked home happily.

A/n been ages since I've updated! I'm trying my best with finishing books. This book will have a few more chapters and its complete. Anyways hope you enjoyed the short chapter next chapter will be longer. Bye bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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