Chapter 12: Hard

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Star Pov
After spending a week healing and recovering it was time to take little comet home to meet his grandparents and I have to take care of a living thing while Marco is at work "Star you okay?" As Marco carries the carseat to the car "Yeah..I'm fine" he put comet in the car and made sure he was safe and it took 30 minutes just to put a seatbelt over the carseat "Marco Diaz! I'm tired and hungry and want to be home in my bed, so please hurry up"

he nervously chuckled and helps me in the car and drove home "How's he doing?" Marco said while looking at the mirror "He's asleep daddy, don't worry he's going to be fine but I gotta lose this baby fat" he chuckles and I look through my instagram and I got 2.5m likes on comets picture when he was born and a lot of comments of 'you were pregnant?' 'Is Marco the daddy?' I just giggled, we hid this for months how can nobody notice we have been out and about? I put my phone away and see the familiar home but with blue balloons at the gates and a poster

"Think our parents are home?" I nod "Yeah..ugh I just want sleep, Marco get rid of them" "Star that's rude, just for a little and then you can sleep away" I sigh loudly and I got out and Marco carried comet towards the front door and I heard them and yawn and enter and see Marcos parents and my dad "Star honey, welcome home"

he hugged me and I return it "Yeah..I'm super tired..and a little hungry" he chuckles "I brought cake, it's chocolate, your favorite" I smiled and rushed towards the kitchen and took a big piece and ate it, I didn't care I love cake it makes me happy inside..

Marco Pov
I set down the carseat on the couch and the grandparents surrounded me "guys back up, it's just a baby and also personal space" they took a couple steps back and I took comet out of his carseat and he began to stir in his sleep "Shh it's okay" as I turn towards the others I noticed Star eating cake and I can see it all over her face "Marco he's so adorable, you and star have good genes" I nod

"Oh yeah..want to hold him mom" my mother nodded and held him and sat on the couch and was playing with his hands and hair "He has a lot of hair, just like you Marco" I chuckle and dad sits next to her "Look how cute he is" dad smiled and kissed his head "He's beautiful, Marco this isn't a game anymore, this is real life and comet is a living being no more of your young adult fun" I nod

"Dad I know, I have the company and Star has a job too, we can raise him the right way or even our own way because our kid is special as I felt his face "Good, well we better get going" I look at him confused "What? But you just got here?" I heard a boom and it was star passed out on the table with cake on her face "Your girlfriend needs rest, we'll visit soon. Love you Marco" mom said as she gave me comet and kissed my cheek

"Take very good care of both, got that" I nod and they all left including stars dad "Oh comet, how am I gonna carry both of you" I smile and go put comet in his crib and I go back to star and clean her face and carry her to the bedroom "Sleep tight" I kissed her head and went to check on comet, he was stirring and started making crying sounds "No..don't cry"

I picked him up and pull out Stars breast milk and feed him "I can already see the challenge from here" as I said that I swear I saw him smirk and I chuckled "I have a feeling your gonna be like your mother, wild spirit, confident, loving, troublemaker..but I will love you no matter what" after feeding and burping him I rocked him to sleep and put him slowly in the crib and I walk slowly to bed, so tired..spent 5 hours with comet and Star was still asleep, I'm kinda concerned about when I go to work and stars alone with him, as I lay next to her I sigh and pull her closer to me and she moves in..

-------1 month later-------

Star Pov
I woke up to comet screaming from the baby monitor and I groan and push Marco out of the bed "Baby needs something!" Marco jumped from the floor "Okay..on it" I stretch in the bed and get up because I am supposed to get up because Marco works "Marco..give me him, you go sleep, I'm sorry" he yawns and hands me comet and his bottle "Alright..see you in the morning" I nod and sit in the rocking chair and feed him and I'm getting sleepy and I try so hard not to fall asleep,

as I close my eyes I hear crying and wake up and burp him and rock him and he stops and I put him in the crib and I start to tear up..this is hard taking care of a baby I am not ready for this, I'm not capable of raising a baby, I'm 18 and so is Marco, we had a bump in the road, we weren't supposed to have a baby until we were 25 at least, I sniffle and wipe my tears and look down at the baby "This is hard" I walk to the bedroom and crawl up into Marco and wrap my arms around him and he stirs and rubs my back "What's wrong.." I couldn't hold back and I cried in his chest

"'s really hard" he moves my messy hair off my face and looks at me "I know it's hard, but we did this to ourselves and we are parents now even if it was off schedule" I sigh "Do you regret having little comet?" I shake my head "No, what kind of person will I be if I didn't want my child?" He kisses me "It's just for baby stages and when he turns older we will be good to go, promise me you'll never give up on us or comet" I nodded "I promise, I love you Diaz" he smiles "Love you too Star"

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