Chapter 30: Bad Blood

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Ella Pov
When the last bell rang I went to find kayden, he was putting away gym equipment and talking to his friends "Hey guys" "Hey shooting star" they hugged me which made me giggle "Catch you around Kayden" he waved and smiled at me "Hey princess" I blushed and look up at him as we kissed

"Hey, I missed you today" "You did? Funny cause I missed you" we laugh until I hear heels "Oh so you do have a boyfriend? I thought your father didn't allow that?" "What do you want Marina?" She stalks closer and looks at Kayden who eyes her carefully

"What's your name?" She asked and I stepped in between "None of your business, he's taken and frankly I don't like how you're hitting on my boyfriend right in front of me" she giggles and rolls her eyes "Honey, your boyfriend is way older than you and should be dating his own age"

"No I don't, I love Estella and I'm happy being with her instead of a fake girl like you! You're the type of girl guys smash and move on, come Ella let's go" I giggled at that comeback as he pulled me with him "No wonder you two are together. You both are losers! Have no taste in respect or being nice"

I stop and glared at her "We are nice but not when people like you attack us, be glad I haven't kicked your butt! I've been taking karate and I'm dying to use it on you!" She laughs and flips her hair back "Oh I'm so afraid, by the way I'm stopping by your place today so be warned honey"

I groan and we walk out "I don't want to be rude but your cousin sucks!" I smirked and wrapped myself around his waist "I know, just don't fall for her stupid charms" "A girl like that? No way in heck I will fall for that. Their not nice or kind like you" he kissed me and I giggled "Thanks"

As kayden left me at my place I noticed a nice looking car and I groan cause she wasn't kidding. I entered the house and I see Nova butterfly talking with my mother and my father was behind her watching nova very closely. I entered the kitchen

"Hey mom, dad" I kissed them both "How was school?" "Crazy, is cousin Marina here?" "No she's on her way she's hanging out with comet and his girlfriend" Nova said smiling "How have you been Ella?" "I've been fine, how about you?"

"Alright just been stressed with Marina" I nodded and left the tense kitchen, they must be talking about something important. As i walked into the living room I see Eli dancing to bubble guppies "Ella!Ella!" He runs towards me and hugs me "Hey buddy having fun?"

He nods and runs off and I make my way to my room and lock the door. I do not want to see Marina right now or ever again! As I sigh in peace I hear laughter and I quickly ran to my window and saw the devil herself. God I hope her mother sends her to a boarding school and away from here. "I'm gonna kick her butt if she dares comes near me.." I said as I walked out my room towards the kitchen as I get a snack. As I stood by my dad she came in with comet and Jane. "Hey mom, dad..Nova" comet said as he walked out afterwards

"Hello ella~" I glared at her as she smirks "Marina uh we need to talk. I've decided that you are gonna be sent away.." music to my ears. "What?! Are you serious?" Her mother nods "Yes I'm serious. And you have to just deal with it." She groans in annoyance "But.." Oh no what is it? "Since it's the end of the year you will start in 3 months." Damn I was so close. "So are we going home all summer?" Nova looked at mom and Dad and I felt my heart race in panic

"Actually you'll be staying here for two months with Star and her lovely family. And if I hear any complaints from them I will come here myself and pull you all the way back home." She nods as she gives me an evil smirk "Of course mother. I will be on my best behavior with auntie Star and uncle Marco." Nova nods and hugs her and I mentally freak out.

"Where is she sleeping?" I asked as my dad was setting up a guest bed "She's bunking with you." "Daddy No! Make her bunk with Eli! He has a giant room for a baby." Dad sighs "Honey it's just for two months and she'll be gone before you know it" I groan in annoyance as I crossed my arms at him "This is the worst. I don't trust her dad" he sighs "You aren't the only one. But your mother wants to make an effort to fix bad relationships and I can't exactly go against her or it's the couch for me."

I shook my head "why can't she sleep in the guest room outside?" "Cause your mother said that it would look like we don't want her in the house." It was a nightmare! My mother really wants me to kill somebody. "Dad.." "Estella that's enough sweetheart. It's done and you have to get over it. I'm sorry" he kissed my head as he left and a few seconds she walks in braiding her hair "Nice try brat. I'm gonna make your life a living hell." I glared up at her "You're gonna regret that." She laughs and gets on her bed and I get on mine. "Nighty night Diaz" she laughs and I pull my blanket over my head. This is the worst day of my life.

A/n Hey.........
Longest time I haven't updated this book. I'm super sorry I just lost inspiration writing it and then I'm busy and now I have no time whatsoever so I apologize on everything! This book was meant to have 35 parts which is happening so just wait a bit longer. Anyways I hoped you enjoyed and I'll see you guys eventually. Bye bye 😶

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