Chapter 13: Comet is 4

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Star Pov
As I open my eyes I see two beautiful blue eyes staring right at me and starts to giggle "Mommy!" I laugh and pull him closer to me "Hey there comet, where's daddy?" He sighs and hugs me "Work..mommy can you make me pancakes?" I nod and I stand up, since I'm having another baby, but this time I am ready for baby number 2 as comet pulls my hand to go downstairs "Comet, slow down you want your little brother or sister to get hurt do you?" He giggles "No, but I'm hungry mommy"

I smile and we make it to the kitchen as I open the fridge I see a note and a container "Seems like daddy planned ahead" I shake my head, oh Marco so ahead of everyone "Well let me warm these up for you buddy" he nods and I serve him the food and sit and watch him "Are you excited? Tomorrow is your birthday" he smiles and screams "Yeah! I'm gonna be 4! Mommy I'm 4!"

I giggle and rub my belly "Yeah..your a big boy now" he finishes his breakfast "Mommy I hope I have a little sister" I smile "Why?" He chuckles and drinks his juice "Because I could protect her from bully's or people that try to hurt her" that made my heart melt "Aw comet, your gonna be a great big brother" he goes back and leaves me in the kitchen and I clean up the mess and eat my breakfast, cinnamon apple oatmeal, with slices of apples..

As the day went on I work on my yoga, while comet played outside on his little playground his dad built with his cousin "Mommy look!" I look and see him waving at me from the top of the slide "Be careful comet!" I yell back and he slides down and falls on the ground and starts to cry and I rush towards him and pick him up "It's hurts.." I take a look at his wrist and it looks sprained and I sigh because I might need to go to the hospital and Marco is gonna flip..god not ready for this

-At the hospital-

"Star, why weren't you near him?" I roll my eyes "Marco, I was I told him to be careful and he does it anyways, don't yell at me I'm very pregnant and can't stress" he shakes his head "I wasn't yelling I was just raising my voice" is there a difference? "Daddy, why are you mommy fighting?" I hold my hands and Marco goes to him

"No, comet me and mommy aren't fighting, we are just worried about's your hand buddy" comet moved his hand around but it hurt him by the expression he was making "Mr Diaz, your son has a sprain in his wrist, it will take a couple weeks to heal, just keep it wrapped and do some hand movement so it could heal properly" we both nod "Thanks, doctor" I say and he nods and leaves "Am I in trouble?"

Me and Marco shake our heads "No, your not honey" I kiss his head and he looks over at Marco "is mommy in trouble?" I look at Marco and he sighs and pulls my hand "No, she's not in trouble, I'm sorry Star for overreacting" I sigh "Its okay, whoa it's kicking in there, look feel" I put Marcos and comets hand to feel the baby kick and comet smiles "Wow, it's kicking in there! Mommy is it girl?" I shrug "I don't know, daddy wants it to be a surprise this time"

When we got home, comet fell asleep on the car ride home and Marco put him to his bed and we went to our bedroom, I lay against the bed board and held my stomach "Are you heading back to work?" Marco sighs and climbs into bed and kisses my belly "No, family emergency so not going back, why what's wrong?" I looked down at my hand and at him

"Are we ever going to get married? Our son is about to turn 4 and we have a baby on the way" he sighs "Star we talked about this, when we are ready for marriage, because that's a big step for us..what's the rush? We're 21 years old..we talked, we have time before we are settled down.." I rolled my eyes "Marco, are you afraid that if we get engaged that I'll disappear with the kids and never return? If it is then please tell me"

he rubbed his face and came closer to me "I admit, I'm scared..I know we have our ups and downs, but I'm more afraid when we're married, we'll have a giant fight that makes you leave me for good" I grabbed his face and kissed him "Marco, I will never leave you..I hurt you so much that your afraid that I'll be fine for good..but I promised myself I wouldn't disappear unless I need time" he smiles "One day..I promise" I lay my head on his chest and he held on me..


It was finally the day, Comets party and he was so excited that it made me happy, it's been 4 years I became a mom to this precious cinnamon roll "Mommy, look grandma and grandpa Diaz!"

I saw them walk through the door and see Mr Diaz pick up comet and spin him around "Hey there comet, your looking more and more like your father but with blue eyes, such a handsome boy" I giggle and Mrs Diaz comes and hugs me while she feels my belly "I hope it's a girl, I want a granddaughter, pray it's a girl" I smile

"Your not the only one, comet wants a sister, big brother alert" we laugh and more people show up, and Janna shows up with her daughter "Janna, nice seeing you..where's Tom?" She smirks "He's on his way, Jane wanted to give her present to comet for his birthday, right?" Her daughter was clunged to her leg and was sucking on her thumb

"Well comet is over there with his friends and family, you can go play with him?" I say smiling at her but she just glares at me "Okay then, enjoy the party" I walk into the kitchen and see Marco finishing the cake for his son, the things he does for his first born "Head ups, Janna and Tom are don't make things awkward" "when do I make things awkward?" I gave him my look "Point taken, I will try?" I shake my head and go back out to the guest, as the party progressed we were at the point of singing comet his birthday

"Happy Birthday Comet" we sang and said and he was giggling so much, it just brought joy to us, the way Marco was with him just makes my heart melt.."You enjoying your birthday comet?" He nods as he stuffs his face with cake and ice-cream "I'll take that as a yes" we giggle and enjoy the rest of the party, comet is a wild spirit, which I love because that means he's fun when he gets older..I can't wait for that day..

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