Chapter 14: I'm a big bro

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Star Pov
I lay on my side with Marco holding on my hand, the intense pain shooting through my spine hurts so bad that I want scream " hurts..." He rubbed my back and kissed my head "Your okay Star, the baby is almost there" I take deep breaths and look over to my phone and it lights up with a message and a picture of my beautiful son

"I think I'm ready..Marco call the nurse I want to push now!" Marco rushes out and gets the nurse and doctors and get me prep for the birth, as I get ready Marco comes to my side and hold my hand "Ready to meet baby number two?" I nod "Yes..I'm so ready" as the nurse and doctor count I push with am my strength

"A little more star" my doctor says and I cry because it hurts "I can't...I can't it hurts" Marco rubs my hand "Yes you can, your Star butterfly, strong and brave and tough, you did this once you can do it again, now push" I nod and take a deep breath and push again "You got this, I see the head, come on star" I scream and hold on his hand tight and then relax and hear a cry

"'s a beautiful baby girl" I smiled and had tears running down my cheeks "Marco..we have a daughter..a little girl" he had tears forming and kisses Ms "A girl, my princess.." I see the nurse bring her towards us and I smile "Hi there..your so small" I hold her little hand "Hi's daddy.."

Marco Says as he rubs her head, she has my blonde hair and looks like a mini version of me "She looks like you star" I nod "Oh yeah, what should we name her?" He smirked and looked at me "What's with that face?" He gets the birth certificate and writes down the name and show it to me and I giggle and nod at it..

~~~~~~~~~Later on~~~~~~~~

I was feeding her as I saw my son come in with pink balloons and flowers "Hey comet, want to meet your little sister?" He smiles and Marco puts him on the bed and he giggled "mommy can I hold her?" I nod and Marco moved him next to me and I help him hold her carefully he kisses her little nose and giggles "I'm a big brother, I will always protect you" I aw at this cute moment "I promise" I had a stray tear run down and I wipe it quickly

I was feeding her as I saw my son come in with pink balloons and flowers "Hey comet, want to meet your little sister?" He smiles and Marco puts him on the bed and he giggled "mommy can I hold her?" I nod and Marco moved him next to me and I help h...

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"Her name is Estella, Estella Diamond Diaz" he looks at her and at us "I love her name" as I went to reach for her, comet moved a bit "No, I want to keep holding her mommy" I laugh softly "I have to hold her at some point" he held on her tightly "I'm big brother! I protect Ella" I sigh "Oh boy, big brother Comet is protecting little sister, alright squirt, give me little Estella"

Marco took her away from her and put her in her basket and comet held on me and lay holding me on the bed "I love you mommy" I face him and kiss his head "Love you too"
When I healed we could finally take little Ella home, it was fun seeing comet with her, he really wanted a sister "I bet our parents are waiting home with comet right?"

Marco nods through the mirror "Oh yeah, my mother wanted a girl so bad, be warned star when we get there" I giggle and look at how cute she is sleeping "We're home girls" I look at our house and have a banner that reads 'It's a Girl!' I giggle and Marco rolls his eyes "I think two kids are plenty right Star?" I nodded

"Oh yes, no more for awhile" I held his hand as we walked through our front door and we were greeted by tiny hands on our legs and carseat "Estella is home!" He yells and runs around and comes back and sits down looking at his baby sister "He wouldn't stop talking about her, he's loving the big brother role"

Angie Says and I nod "Very protective too, watch" I pull the carseat and he yells "Mommy! Where your taking her?" I look at Angie who had a surprised look "Mama Angie wants to hold her, would you let her hold her?" He nods and she holds her and smiles "My first granddaughter..she looks so much like you Star" I nod

"Yeah, she has my genes, like before me and Marco have pretty strong genes" we giggle and Estella starts to fuss "Oh, she's probably hungry" she hands me Estella and I get her bottle and feed her "Shh it's okay" Comet was sitting next to me and rubbing her cheeks and her hair "Don't cry, big brother is here"

Comet was all over her for weeks, he was there when I take her a bath or feeding her and even changing her "Comet, why don't you go hang with Jane, she lives a couple blocks down?" He shrugs "I don't know, she doesn't really talk, I tried at my party but she just stayed in a corner" I nod "Well, want to go play video games? Daddy bought you a new PlayStation, and new games and you haven't even touched it in months" he groans

"But I don't want to leave Ella" I sigh "Comet, honey she's fine with me, and I could be in the living room with her while you play, is that better?" He nods and I bring her bouncer and I put her in her bouncer and comet turns his video games on, and I scroll through my newsfeed and my instagram, I posted comet holding Ella and it's the cutest thing, he has his face with her face and I just smile at it,

it's gotten over more likes than when I posted about my pregnancy belly before I gave birth, I saw the comments 'Brother sister goals' 'Aw he's a cutie, big bro comet' I giggled and sigh "Mommy, can you set me up?" I look up and I created a profile for him and he continues on and I get tired, and I lay on the couch and take a brief nap..

I woke up to silence and the kids gone and I get up and go to the rooms and I see Marco reading to comet to sleep and I go to Estella room and see her asleep in her crib "What happened?" I sigh and yawn "I thought comet, took her..I forgot you come home early on Friday's" he wraps his arms around my waist and kissed my neck

"You seem stressed, want to take a shower" I bite my bottom lip and turn my head up towards his face "Are you in a mood..?" He chuckled "I may or may not, depends if your in th mood" I roll my eyes "I might need a shower...and have the warm water hit me.." he kisses me slowly "I love you Star" I look at him and smile "I love you too Marco" he embraced me and we look at Estella one last time and head to the shower, one day..I will get married to this day

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