Chapter 9: it's a...

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Star Pov
I woke up before Marco and I looked at his sleepy form and I move away and use the bathroom and wash my face as I look up Marco is rubbing the sleep out of his eyes "You could've slept in" I said softly and he comes closer and wraps his arms around me "But I'm afraid you'll leave again.." I hurt him so bad that he's scared that I'll leave for good "Never, I promise you that" he kissed my neck and let go and began brushing his teeth and I began to strip and hop in the shower "Care to join?" I say teasing Marco

"In a bit, save some hot water for me" I giggle and start the shower, at least I could act like me around him, I have a person I could the warm water hit my body it felt so nice and relaxing that I didn't even realize Marco came in and pulled me closer to him "Feeling okay?" He says rubbing my belly and I nod and make his arms wrap around me " want to?" I say turning around and biting his bottom lip making him moan a little "If you keep teasing I might.."

he kissed me rough and pushed me against the shower head where the water was hitting us both " rough, you missed me huh?" He nods leaving trails of kisses down my neck making small moans escape my mouth "You could say that.." we spend almost an hour in the shower getting ready, after our little fun we headed to the hospital to check on the baby and how's it doing and if it's healthy which I'm want to know "You nervous?" As I held on Marcos hand in the waiting room "Yeah, like a lot" he kissed the side of my head and the nurse called us in

"Star butterfly" I rush in because I don't want people catching on what's wrong with me, not just yet "wait in here, doctor Scouts will be right with you" I nod and sit on the bed while Marco sits in the seat next to me "I feel like throwing up" Marco holds my hands and moves his thumb over my knuckles "Your going to be okay, and plus this doctor won't talk to the public about us" I sigh and try to relax and Marco stays by me..

After a few minutes the doctor comes in with a smile and shakes Marcos hand "Hello, I'm Dr. Scouts I will be checking your baby's progress and see if the fetus is growing properly" I nod and hold my stomach "I assure you Ms butterfly it's not going to hurt either one of you" I look towards Marco for reassurance and I smile "Okay, let's get this over with already" he chuckles and he hooks me up to monitor so we can hear the heartbeat and also to see it as well

"This might be a little cold but just bare with me" he put this blue cold gel that made me jump a little "Wow! That's cold!" Marco tells me to lower my voice and I did "Okay..let's see where the baby is, ah there it is" I look at the screen and I see it, my baby it's so tiny and cute and I just want to cry because it's growing inside me, I made that with Marco..

"It's so beautiful" I say tearing up "Yeah it is" Marco kissed my head and looks back at the screen "Can you tell the gender yet?" The doctor nods "Do you want to know now or next visit?" I look at Marco and shrugs "It's up to you star" "but Marco it's your baby too" he chuckles "So want to know?" I nod and he tells is it's a...

After the doctors appointment I hold on the photo that he printed out of our little baby, I can't wait to hold it in my arms and cuddle with it, I'm just excited and I can't wait when that day finally happens "So we better start making the empty room into a nursery huh?" I nodded "Yeah..I need new clothes Marco, I'm going to get huge!" He laughs "Not for a couple months, we could go shopping this week or so and also make the nursery"

I nod and I hold on Marcos hand as we walk downtown, it's been awhile since I seen paparazzi around but I just hope I didn't jinx it "it's nice taking a stroll with you Marco" he nods "Yeah, we rarely have this type of opportunity to do so" we laugh and I see a pizza place and I'm craving pizza "Marco..can we go eat pizza?" "Cravings?" I nodded and he nods and we walk into the place and it's fairly full and I see one of Marcos friends "Marco isn't that Jackie?" He looks and nods

"Yeah, bet she's with Blake Wilde she's been after him since we were 15, she's been always asking if you were pregnant because you'll disappear for a couple minutes and be back, I told her I'll tell when I feel like it" I giggle and look down, it's noticeable and I'm wearing a black dress "Hmm, can you tell if I'm showing?" Marco looks at me "Up close yeah but far away nope" "You goofball" Marco orders our food and o take a seat and look through my phone and saw on my instagram of me in a teal bikini and I was so thin, I miss my body and then I look at my recent ones where I was with Marco and you can tell I got fat, it's in my cheeks and my boobies are a little bit bigger, god why is this hard?

I have to workout when I give birth I'm trying to get my figure back as soon as possible "Got the pizza, you okay seem down or upset?" "Look at this Marco, look how thin I was and then look at our recent photo" "what's wrong. We look fine?" "Marco I'm showing more, my boobs are bigger then my last photo!" I whisper yell "Your boobs are fine and your overreacting, star you'll give birth then a couple months start working out and have your body back, good as new" I sigh and roll my eyes "You don't understand because your not carrying life" "I love you Star" I smirk "I love you too" Marco kisses my nose and starts to eat his pizza and I did the same..can't wait to meet you..

A/n I'm terrible for not revealing the gender but I'm waiting on the names and so far a lot of you like comet for a boy..and Luna for a girl..well you'll just have to wait and find out in the chapters later 😊

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