chapter 6: Distance & Love

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Star Pov
When we arrived at Marcos I stayed with him, it was weird at first because it's been awhile since I actually stayed over a guy's house "You okay?" I look at him and his room, it's pretty big, and had trophies and pictures of exchange students from his program "Wow, that's a lot of rewards Diaz" I say as I touch each one and he comes close to me and I look at him "Yeah..but you know what's the best reward?" I smirked and had our faces close to each other "What.." he chuckled softly and closed and locked his door "You"

he leaned in and kissed me slow and it start to go quick and I jumped on him and he took us to his bed and we were in a heated makeout session and I was on top "Are we really doing this? With your parents down the hall?" I whisper as I kiss him again "Hmm..." He kissed and then looked at me 'You have a point, but one more kiss" I laughed and kissed him and lay next to him and he faced me "One day right?" I nodded "Yeah one day" I look up at the ceiling a d I could feel his hand grab mines and I smiled "I hope this works" he says and I close my eyes "Me too"

I wake up cuddled up in his embrace, and he was breathing softly and I smile and kiss his chin soft and play with his face "Star...stop I'm sleeping" I laugh and he attacks me with kisses and tickles "Ahh" we both laugh and the door opens and his looks at us and we jump off the bed "Mom! Don't you knock?!" Marco said walking towards her and I blushed of embarrassment "I'm sorry, I didn't know you had a girl sleep over, that's a first, I'll leave you two alone, sorry and breakfast is ready" she smiles and closes the door and Marco locks it "Sorry about my mom" "It's cool, at least we aren't naked" he pulled me close "Yeah..that would've been awkward as heck" I nodded and walked out his room with him down the stairs to the massive kitchen "Wow..big kitchen"

I say and I hear his mom laugh "Yeah got it redone a month ago" I nodded and sat next to Marco, it was weird staying here and his mother walking in on us even we didn't do anything "Mom, we will have the butterflies company" his mom dropped the plates she was cleaning "What?! How and when?!" "I tricked stars cousin and got the company, now we have two isn't that great?" She shakes her head "No, Marco you don't understand, if we take the butterfly company.." "We take all the company's they took from others.." his dad walked in annoyed "I warned you kids about this, why didn't you listen, I am the good guy we are the good guys, Marco fix this I don't want everyone to hate me and your mother for something you did"

Marco nodded and got up and walked out and I followed and I gave him the documents "We can take them to my parents, and not speak of this" he looked at me with a cold expression "Why did I let you bring me into this mess, my dad was right, you butterfly's are always up to no good" I huff and pulled him down to me "listen bub I have been like this for years, don't agree with me for something so dumb when I'm trying to help! Now listen and come with me and I'll fix this situation and clear it up" he rolled his eyes "Fine" I let go and he grabbed his helmet and keys to his bike and we drove to my old home and it was the same "Never changes, wait here" he nodded

"Star darling, you've returned and my look how beautiful you look" my father said and I gave him the documents "Take them, I don't want no problems with the Diaz family, take the company back or just get rid of the others, you have so much money why more?" He sighs "It's not me, it's your mother, you know how bad I want to give back the others company's back? Your mother doesn't want to go broke" I cross my arms "She has her fashion line and shoes, what else does she want? Dad please rip this and sign a new one saying you give everyone theirs back, be the good guy for me"

I say hoping he says yes "Alright darling, for you" he puts the documents in the shredder and takes out all the company we took over the years "Okay that's the last of it, your mother isn't going to be happy, but I want to be good" I smile and hug him "Thanks dad" as I let go I see my mom walk in with Marco and she's pulling on his ear "Ouch let go of my ear!" "Mother" "Star" we had a glare off and she pushes Marco near me and I help him and he rubs his ear "That hurt lady" she rolls her eyes "Why KS what are you two doing here? I thought you quit?" "I did but I came to fix, mother you are one greedy woman, you just want money and power, well dad just sign the papers and your staying with your fashion line and shoes, don't be upset, because you'll still have money but not much, so waste of wisely"

I held Marcos hand we walked by her "River is this true?" "Yes, I'm in charge and it's time I start acting like it, I'm sorry if you can't handle it then I'll leave" I stopped and heard and continue and got on the back of Marcos bike and we drove off and I hope I did good and not bad "Marco are you still upset with me?" When he got off the bike he looked at me and kissed me "No, I was just feeling mad at myself, I just brought you into it" I smiled "Okay, so when I was gone what did they say?" He blushed and lay on the bike "They said if I got you knocked up, and that's why you left, and if it was because of our parents and stuff, but I ignored it, no drama and we are 16 years old, no baby's right now" I nodded in agreement, but I almost had a pregnant scare, I remember when I was with Tom, we did it and I so scared that I'll be a young mom, just thinking of that gave me chills "You okay?" I nod "Yeah thinking of a bad memory"

Marco Pov
I look at star she's liked spaced out and I ask her "Star you okay? You spaced out again?" She shakes her head "Just thinking of a pregnancy scare I once had, it was so scary" I looked at her shocked "You thought you were pregnant?" I said and she covers my mouth "Yes, not so loud, it was with Tom, I could've had a baby when I was 14, but I didn't thank goodness" she says "Have you ever been in that situation?" I thought about it, I did it with Jackie but it was safe and then Janna kept saying I got her pregnant and it wasn't even real, she had a fake pregnancy belly and got publicly framed for false posts, I remember we went to court and everything " but Janna thoughts got her pregnant when I haven't even did anything with her at all, she's nuts and obsessed with me"

Star laughs and I chuckled "Man she really into you huh?" I nodded "Yeah, I'm pretty sure she'll drug me and take my sperm and get pregnant that way, sometimes I am afraid she'll do that" she nodded "That's scary, you should report her or something?" I shrugged,it doesn't work if your Janna and your like magic "Nah, don't want to go through the process of all of that" she nods and we walk inside my house and see my parent's on the couch laughing and smiling at a movie their watching and we go upstairs and be in my other room that no one knows except me and my buds "Wow cool room, is this yours too?" I nodded and closed the door and locked it "it's hidden behind a book case, cool super mysterious, I like it" I nodded "Yeah, I come here so I can be alone or need to think, your the only girl I've brought in here, because not even Jackie has stepped foot in here" she blushed "Well I feel special" I walked towards her and she back up to the door way to a bedroom "Your always special to me" she smirks "Why don't you..kiss me" I kiss down her neck and she tenses up and and makes tiny sounds and as I make it to her face she has her blue eyes locked on mines "Marco.." she said and it made me feel riled up "Star.." she jumped on my torso and kissed me slow and then fast and she starts to strip and I do too, I'm not sure if we should do this, what if we do this and regret this, as I'm in thought she's kissing my face and neck " okay?" She says and look at her "Do you really want to do this?" She sighs and kisses me "Yes, let's be gentle okay, I trust you" I put her on the bed and undress as she watches and she does the same, she looks flawless under this lighting and she giggles "What?" I notice a butterfly tattoo on the corner of her hip "That tattoo, when did you get it?" She smiled "When I was 15, I was a little reckless, thought it was cool, so I did it" I run my fingers over it and she giggled "That tickles.." I smirked and we take the night away, it was like it was the first time, I never felt like this with anyone, not even Jackie, but with Star it's everything..

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