Chapter 5: She's back

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Marco Pov
Its been 4 months since I last heard from Star and everywhere I went I was surrounded by paparazzi and other people "Marco! Is it true she used you!" I shake my head "Marco did she leave you because of your parents?!" "Marco! Is she having your baby?" I glare at him "No! She's not pregnant! I don't even know where she went! Leave me alone!" I got on my bike and rode off to my house

"Hey honey" I look and see my mom and I go and lay on the couch "Hi" she came near me "You alright?" "No I'm not! I'm being asked this questions that aren't even true! I'm starting to miss her.." I say with a tear forming in my eye "Then why did you let her go?" "Because... I was upset and betrayed, I fell for her charms but I saw it in her eyes she really liked me.. But I don't know where she is.." My mom hugged me and played with my hair "She'll return eventually.." I nodded "I wish it was now.." As my mom got up the door ran and she left to answer..

"Marco its for you" she yell out, I rolled my eyes, it better not be Ferguson trying to convince to date Jackie again, no thanks "Hey wild man" my jaw dropped and I ran into her and hugged her so tight as if I let go and think its a dream "Star! Is it really you?" She giggled and wiped some tears away "Um...yeah its me" I kissed her and she let me, it was like forever since I touched those lips..

"I'm so happy your back!" I say smiling and she nods "I thought you'll be mad at me for what I said or did to you" I shake my head "I was but, I still care about you" she blushes "Can I come in?" I nodded and I just couldn't take my eyes off her, it felt like I was seeing g her ghost or something "Where have you been for 4 months?" She giggled and hugged me again "My best friends house, she's the only family I have, well the only one I can count on, you look depressed..was it because of me?" I nodded "yeah I tried moving on but I just couldn' mom tried everything but nothing but your back and I'm happy" I kissed her again and she giggled "You know how bad I wanted to see you and I really couldn't" "How bad?" "Really bad" we laughed and then I heard my dad clear his throat "What's she doing here Marco?" I put her behind me "She came to see me, she doesn't work for her parents anymore, dad please..let me be happy for once.." my dad sigh and came near us and I pulled star in front of me "I don't want you both to get hurt.." my dad said looking at us kinda sad "Dad, we love each other that's what matter to us"

My dad walked upstairs leaving me and star alone "What now?" She shrugs "my parents have my cousin Nova being me..well the old me, maybe we can fool her into getting my dads company to your dads?" That wasn't a bad idea "How do we get to Nova?" She smirked "She can't resist cute guys" she gave me a devious smile "No...No I'm not doing it" "Please Marco, you'll have enough money for your company when you turn 18" "but what about you? It's your dream?" She shrugs "I don't really see myself in offices and stuff, I'm more outgoing and meeting new people" I smiled "Cool, so what's the plan?" She whispered the whole plan in my ear and it kinda made me nervous, I have to flirt well fake flirt to get Nova to sign the papers over

Star Pov
Me and Marco went to the Thomas party because it was the next target, I didn't know how I'm supposed to get Jackie to sign those papers when she doesn't swing that way "Okay..Nova has white hair and has stars on her cheeks, she's around" he nods and we look around and I see her next to Jackie "Marco! I found her" I yell and comes "Now..go and interrupt them" he nods and goes right in between and Jackie laughs and Nova looks at him and smiles, my plan is working..props to me

Marco Pov
I cut in between them "am I interrupting something Jacklyn?" She giggles "No Diaz, you clown" she walks off and leaves me with Nova "Hello Mr Diaz" I smirked "Hey there, your pretty cute" she giggled "What happened to Star?" "She left me and I haven't seen her since, champagne?" She nodded and I handed her the glass "So tell me Nova, how long have you been doing this?" She giggled "What?" I whisper in her ear "Trying to steal people's company's, you should just sign over your uncles company, and leave already" she moved away and glared at me? "What makes you think I should do that to my uncle" "Because, your in a relationship with someone when you aren't supposed to be" she scuffs "How do you know that?" I chuckle "I may look dumb but I'm not, just hand over it and go away and don't run my path again" she took out the documents and signed over the company but it's not the real one "Nova this isn't real, where's it?" She sigh and I followed her and went into a room and pulled out the real one that had her uncles signatures "Happy Mr Diaz?" "Very, now go and stop taking people's company's" she quickly walked off and star came in minutes later "So?" I gave it to her and she smiled and kissed me "Howd you do it Diaz?" "Have my ways dear butterfly"

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