Chapter 16: Wedding!

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Another update and it's a happy's the wedding part and they finally are getting married

Star Pov
After a couple months went by it was finally our day, our wedding day, we've been saving money and working out butts off for this day, and it's finally here.."Star did you tell our wedding planner that we want vanilla not chocolate" I took a moment and looked back at a sweaty Marco

"Yes, I texted her saying that, why are you so sweaty?" He chuckles "Um, working get back to whatever you were doing" I nod slowly "Okay?" He walked away quickly and I saw the kids on the couch watching TV "Comet go get ready, Estella go to the bathroom I'll be right there"

the kids groan and walked upstairs and I went to the closet where the kids dress wear was, we spend almost $12000 in total for the kids and you wouldn't believe my dress and Marcos boy that almost made him cry "Mommy!" I snap back and run up to Estella and give her a quick bath, she looked at me and smiles

"What's so funny?" She stood up and kissed my nose "Mommy pretty" I smiled and kissed her cheek and got her ready, as I finished putting the bows in her hair, comet comes in looking confused "Mom, how do I put this" "Hold on, where is your father?" He shrugs

"I don't know I was looking for him but I don't know" I groan and look at Estella "My baby girl is so cute!" She giggles and sits on my bed and I turn to comet "Let's see" I look at his bow tie and finishing it "There, now where's your coat?" He groans "Mom it's to hot to be wearing it" I roll my eyes

"Stay in here in the room with Estella, I don't want either one of you to get dirty, especially you little miss thang" she gave me her devious smile "Comet please watch her, I need to find your father and get ready myself" he nods "Got it, but what if I want to show off my suit?" "Well show it off at the wedding party"

"Okay but mom, what if the girls are into it" I giggle and kiss his head "Your something Comet Tyler Diaz" he gave me a wink and left looking for my husband to be "Marco! Marco Diaz!" I look around and o find him in the backyard setting the tent for the party

"Star? Why aren't you ready?" I look at him "Look who's talking, the kids are ready and why hasn't Mary came yet?" Marco sigh "She's at the church getting people in, and isn't your dad coming soon?" I nod "How's your dad?" He nods

"He's good, he texted me saying he's already there so let's go my lovely bride to be" I smirked "You know I'm supposed to be the last one to leave this house, so you get ready and I'll meet you at the church" he nods and gives me a quick kiss and runs inside and I go get ready myself..

After my shower I wear my corset and my shoes and do my hair and makeup, as I was applying lipstick my door opened "Are you in your dress?" I laughed "No, you can look" Marco opened his eyes and smiled

"Wow in a robe you still manage to look beautiful" I blushed and pushed him slowly "What are you doing here?" He pulls out a box "It's earrings my mother wanted you to wear, it was hers when she got married to my dad, it's tradition in the Diaz family" I smile and put them on

"Their beautiful, I love your mother.." as I went to kiss him my door opened and I didn't expect to see "Mother?" Marco looked at her and me "I'm heading out, see you soon" he kissed my head and walked by her and I stood up "Hello Star, you look beautiful dear" I nod

"What are you doing here?" She walked closer towards me and we were the same height "I came to see my daughter get married, I might have not like the decision you made but, I have two beautiful grandkids and I'm very lucky to have" I kinda smiled but I didn't know "Mother why have you came back?" She pulls out a necklace and hands it towards me

"It was your grandmothers, she gave it to me when I married your father and now I want you to wear it, it runs in the family, and who knows maybe your daughter can wear it one day" I put it on and pulled my mother into a hug "Thank you" she was caught off guard but hugged back "I'm sorry for being judgmental and defensive, I'm trying to change for the better, Marco was a better choice than Tom to be honest" we giggled and my mother helped me finish up, as I spin around I felt like a princess

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