chapter 7: A little Mistake

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Marco Pov
"Now preparing the new leader of my company Marco Diaz" I walk on stage and I'm hugged by dad and mom and they give me the family pin, I'm super happy that I got a chance to run the family company..after a few minutes of me talking I go back to my beautiful girlfriend "You can talk a lot?" "Of course I can" I kiss her quick "I'm proud of you Mr Diaz, finally 18 and running your families company, that's an achievement"

I chuckle and touch her belly "How's it doing?" She smacks my hand "Shut up, don't want people to know yet and plus I'm not really showing" I fake laugh and hug her tight "We're young to be parents" I whisper and she looks at me "Yeah we are but it was an accident, but it's a beautiful one, now let's party" I kiss her forehead and we walk around talking to our guest..

Yeah me and Star are expecting...yup that young but what could say? We are reckless teens trying to have fun, but I wasn't safe this time.. "Marco I'll be back" she walked quickly to the bathroom, I knew why and Jackie came close "So, still strong with Star huh?" I nod "Did you ever get to Blake? We are legal now?" She smacks my arm playfully "Yeah, but keep it on the dl okay, don't want overprotective dad on my butt, and your girl has been to the bathroom so much, what gives?"

She said giving me the look "Nothing, she's just not feeling well, if something is up I'll tell you okay?" She nods and walks away and Star comes back and holds her stomach "Can we go, I'm not feeling well" she says as she lays her head on my arm and chest "Yeah princess, why not?" We get to car and drive to our apartment, yeah, moved out my parents place and got me a place of my own, well with Star that is..

"I'm super tired but hungry, do we have chips and chocolate?" She said laying on the couch "Beats me, and you starting your cravings this early?" She nods "Well what else do you want me to do? It's what it wants, can't deny it" she said making a funny face and I laugh "Stop doing that face. I can't take you seriously while you do that" she makes it again and I laugh along with her "Your such a silly girl, you know that right?"

"Yeah I am, and very seductive.." she says walking close to me and rubbing our noses together "Now? You want to do it now?" She rolls her eyes "You think I'm not sexy anymore, because I'm gonna turn huge and fat and you want nothing to do with me, god your thinking that aren't you?" I pull her close to me "Star your random mood swings, I will never stop loving you, and I don't want to do it because I'm tired and your tired and hungry, so pizza?" She nods and kisses me quick and walks up to the stairs "Fine, but that pizza better be here quick"

I roll my eyes and ordered it and then it shows up in a few minutes or less and I walk upstairs with the pizza and get to out room where Star is on her phone laying on her side "Pizzas here" "Yay! Give me it" she opened the box and took a bite of it and I lay next to her "Don't want any?" I shake my head and she carry's on, it's been a rough couple years, stars dad left her mom and took all the company's he had and gave it back and Stars mom kept the clothing stuff and didn't ask for any help, Nova left the town and never been seen again and then here, me and Star...laying in bed living together and having a kid on the way..this isn't good because now Star will have to cover-up when we go out to places so people won't know for now at least because by the time she's 5 she's a mini balloon showing and you can't really hide that..

I wake up to star cuddled up in my neck half naked, she has this habit of wearing my tee-shirt and wear her underwear just to bed and have one leg on top of me, I groan and sigh and wait for her to move because if I do she'll get mad "Stop sighing loudly..." I look at her and laugh and she throws a pillow on my face and she moves "You stink Marco"

she gets up and stretches and I could see her belly showing, still looks small not much "Stop looking at me. It's making me uncomfortable" I roll my eyes and get up and she laughs at me because I'm just in my boxers "You look pretty damn good half naked.." she said walking closer to me and wraps her arms around me "So do you but I can't say that, because that's kinda disrespectful" she kisses me and goes to the bathroom and I make the bed and check my phone, couple messages from my parents and work..get the job one day and everyone needs you

Star Pov
I went to the bathroom and felt my small belly, it's going to grow soon and I'm scared that Marco is gonna lose interest me because I'm fat, I sat down on the toilet seat and hold my arms, I think this was a mistake and we're moving to fast..he's going to be a young dad and I'm just a dead beat butterfly, and soon to be mom..I get ready and go back to the room,

and Marco was gone as I went to take a shower I got a message 'At work sorry, see you later' I sigh and get ready and stay in this empty house, I seriously just want to disappear again and be alone for awhile, no one know my whereabouts..I pack a couple things and drive off and I turn my phone off, I just don't want anyone to find me..I'm sorry...

Updated finally Yay 😊 hope you like it

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