Chapter 22: Comet chooses..

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Comet Pov
I held on her hand, they felt soft and caring like her old self which I liked, I even noticed she was in casual clothes rather then her unique sense of style, as we smiled at each other I noticed her blush a bit "Comet I like you..." the words escaping her mouth as it approached my ears, the face she made when I gave her a wide look and a confused look probably made her feel like I don't like "You like me as in a friend or as more?" She moved her hand away from mine and she looks as she is about to cry and I didn't want her to

"More than friends..but I don't want to ruin your chances with Vanessa, and now I regret even saying it, god I'm such an idiot! My dumb feelings took over me and now you don't feel the same" she stood up staring at me her face Turing into a raging animal "Jane, I appreciate that you like me but I, just see us as friends not because of Vanessa or anything particular, I just see you more as a close friend like a sister almost.." she glared at me and chuckled my desk lamp at me and I ducked

"A Sister! Are you freaking kidding me?! Admit it you don't see me attractive or even beautiful because I'm ugly and have a really bad temper!" She started throwing more things at me "Jane relax! I think your beautiful inside and out! Your temper doesn't bother me because I'm so used to it! I just don't see us being together that's all! Please calm down" she had tears running down and that was the last thing I wanted to see, my best friend crying because of my stupid mouth

"You care what I do, and the way you acted when I was hanging with Alex, you looked upset..did you feel something when that happened?" I remembered I was mad at him and her for doing what he said but I just being a good friend not in that way "I felt mad that you hung out with him, I was sticking up for you" she wiped her face with her sleeve and looked at me "Not even once you felt a slight feeling for me?"

I blushed and shrugged, I just didn't know what to feel, and my room was trashed and my best friend is confused on her feelings for me "Comet..I don't think we can be close anymore.." what is she talking about? She doesn't want to be friends anymore? "What? Because I don't like you back?! Jane your acting dumb right now, you can't just attack me in my own house, yell at me and then say we can't be friends because I can't return the same feelings"

I moved closer to her and looked right at her eyes, red and watery, she tried to stay strong "Comet, you don't understand what I'm feeling" I move closer making her hit my wall "Jane I understand what your feeling, your feeling rejected like I have before a while back, please look at me and stop avoiding my eyes"

she looked at me and groans a bit "Why are you up on e Diaz!?" She yelled in my face and I smirked "I'm making a point, and you see I'm the only one who can make you calm down and make you stop talking about random things and breaking our friendship..Jane I care about you okay, maybe in the future when we're older then maybe I'll give you a chance if you still like me at that time"

I stepped back waiting for her response, I heard her giggle and smile at me "Your weird Diaz, and I'll like that" I smiled back and she walked towards me and hugged tight and I held back "Your Weird..and love you Jane" she held tighter on my shoulder and lay on there a bit "Love you too, Well I better go..before my dad returns home..see ya at school" she walked backwards almost tripping as she made it to the window

"Bye Jane" she waves and disappear as I looked at my room which was in a huge mess, as I started to pick up the mess my mom opened my door and sigh "Was Jane here?" I nodded "Yeah, we had a fight but we fixed it..I hope" as I looked at my floor the frame of me and Jane when we were little was broken, that day she scraped and hurt her knee and I made her feel better and I kissed her cheek to make her tears go away which worked

"Oh no, the frame is broken, come with me" I followed my mom into her and dads office "It's around here somewhere, yep here it is, here you go" she handed me the new frame but it's not the same, that frame was a gift from Jane, like I said she's talented "Thanks, mom can I ask you something.." she nods "When you and Jane's dad dated was he just like her or way worse?' She chuckle a bit "He was but not in the way Jane breaks things.." I sigh and looked down at the photo "She told you she likes you in that way Huh?"

I looked at my mother and nodded "Yeah, and she freaked out that I didn't feel the same..maybe I'm just confused about this situation" mom giggles a bit "Comet, I think you might have a tiny crush on Jane if I'm being honest, I've never seen a friendship so unique or strong in my entire guys fight like an old married couple, you guys talk things out when things turn bad, and your always there for each other even though neither of you want each other to be there.."

my face turned red and I shake my head frantically "Mom! I don't like her like that! Your saying crazy stuff, Jane and I are gonna stay friends forever no matter what" she rolled her eyes "Sure..I'm gonna go eat, join us when your ready" she messed my hair up as she walked out the room and I stood there thinking about what my mother just said, do I like Jane more or I'm just over thinking this?

The next morning I was determined to see if my feelings are true and real, I looked down the halls looking for her and as the hallways quieted down we were the only two standing there alone just the sound of our breathing was heard, I took a deep breath and went for it, I felt her lips on mines and it felt like magic but it was gone, it didn't feel as good as I thought "I can't believe you kissed me" I looked at her eyes and blushed "Yeah, I needed to make it clear about my feelings for you" she giggles and wrapped her arm around my neck "Can't wait for Friday" I smiled a bit "Me too"

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