8- This daydream is dangerous

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"Morning." A groggy, tired voice says.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Karlie says, walking into the bedroom. "How is the head?"

"Mhhmm.." Taylor grumpily replies, closing her eyes again and turning on her side. A huge snap of pain shoots through as she does so and she groans loudly. Karlie hops in the bed and spoons the singer from behind. She knows she shouldn't do it and she knows that what she is feeling for the famous star isn't business related at all. But what damage could a little cuddling do?

"Some more aspirins?" Karlie asks softly, not wanting to talk to loud since she realises the singer must have a horrible headache.

"Yes, please.." Taylor replies, trying to hide the blush that is on her now very red cheeks. 
She likes the way Karlie cares for her and she likes the body contact in between them right now even more.

"Ill be right back." Karlie says, noticing the singer's blush almost immediately while getting up. "You're cute when you blush." She says, trying to imitate Taylor's voice.

Taylor lets out a groggy giggle. "Shut up." She says, laying on her back again. She sees Karlie disappear into the bathroom and closes her eyes once more. When she opens them again, her protector is laying right beside her again, she hadn't even noticed her getting into the bed. 

"You drifted off to sleep again." Karlie says, her green eyes staring into Taylor's blue ones.

"Oh." The singer says. The green eyed woman sits up then and Taylor wonders for how long she had been laying next to her, watching her sleep. She sits up too, slowly but surely and takes the aspirins from the younger woman and the bottle of water. She swallows the pills in one time and sits back into the bed, exhausted.

"I don't think I've ever been this tired." She says, her eyes already closing again. She hears Karlie giggle somewhere in the distance and drifts off to sleep again. Her day is spent, mostly asleep but sometimes waking up at random times or when Karlie wakes her up for her two hour check. Karlie spends her day checking on Taylor every now and then, mindlessly staring at the superstar and watching some tv in the living room in between.

"Hi." Karlie almost jumps off the couch to attack the intruder in the house when she realises its Taylor who is standing next to the couch. She is wearing a big white t-shirt with some blue sleeping-shorts underneath it. Karlie honestly doesn't even know which shirts are hers anymore and which ones are Taylor's. She just guesses every time she pulls something out of one of the bags. Taylor's hair is up in a ponytail and it looks like she has removed the make-up remains from the night before, since the dramatic mascara stains are gone and the singer's freckles are visible once more. On top of all this, the blonde singer is wearing her glasses, which Karlie has learned to find extremely adorable.

"Gosh, you scared me." The secret agent says, eyeing the singer from head to toe. "How is the head?"

"A lot better." Taylor responds, a small smile on her face. "Im hungry."

Karlie giggles at that. "Of course you are, you havent eaten anything all day."

"Well.. you didn't feed me either." Taylor says, putting her hands in her side. "What kind of 'protector' are you?" She says, air quoting the word 'protector'.

It makes Karlie laugh, seeing the singer use the air quotes again. "Stop the air quotes." She says. "And Im a very good protector. Look, you can still stand and walk."

Karlie gets up from the couch and stretches her long limbs out. 

"You havent even seen me walk yet, Kloss. Maybe I crawled all the way here." Taylor says dramatically, laughing at her own comment, together with Karlie of course.

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